Chapter 18- red roses

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After the confrontation with Uliana, James insisted that Bridget go to the nurse's office to have her scrape properly tended to. Despite her protests that it was just a minor injury, the concern etched on his face left no room for argument.

As Bridget made her way to the infirmary, James strode with determination towards Uliana, his jaw set in a hard line. He found her in the courtyard, a triumphant smirk on her face. Without preamble, he grabbed her by the shoulders and shoved her roughly forward.

"You listen to me, you vicious little harpy," James growled, his voice dripping with barely restrained fury. "If you ever lay a hand on Bridget again, I won't be responsible for what happens to you."

Uliana's eyes widened in surprise, the smirk quickly fading from her lips. "How dare you threaten me, Hook! Bridget is the one who's stealing what's rightfully mine."

James leaned in, his face mere inches from hers. "Bridget is not yours to stake a claim on. She is _mine_, and I will protect her with my life if I have to." He paused, the menace in his tone palpable. "So I suggest you stay the hell away from her, or you'll be answering to me."

Uliana opened her mouth to retort, but the fury in James' eyes made the words catch in her throat. Sensing she was outmatched, she simply glared at him defiantly and stormed off.

Satisfied that his message had been delivered, James made his way to the principal's office. As a reformed pirate, he knew he could no longer resort to the same ruthless tactics he had once employed. But this situation demanded action, and he was determined to ensure Bridget's safety by any means necessary. Even if it was less cruel than he would do if it would make Bridget mad. He knew she wouldn't be okay with his villian reactions so he told Merlin of uliana's bullying (though he did get some detention because he was a part of most of the incidents from the past)


   The principal, Merlin, who had borne witness  to many of Uliana's infractions over the years, listened intently as James recounted the incident. His brow furrowed with concern, and he quickly summoned Uliana to his office.

"Miss Uliana, I've had enough of your troublemaking," the principal declared, his voice tinged with exasperation. "This latest attack on Miss Bridget is the final straw. I have no choice but to suspend you indefinitely, pending a full investigation."

Uliana's face contorted with outrage. "You can't do this to me! I'm the victim here!"

The principal held up a hand, silencing her. "The evidence suggests otherwise. I've received numerous reports of your bullying and disruptive behavior over the years. This incident, combined with your history, leaves me no choice."

As Uliana stormed out of the office, James felt a sense of relief wash over him. Bridget would be safe, at least for the time being.


    As the days passed since the incident with Uliana, James had found himself drawn ever closer to Bridget. At Ella's suggestion, the three of them had spent a pleasant afternoon baking an array of tantalizing treats for the upcoming castle dance. James had watched with a fond smile as Bridget and Ella chattered excitedly, their laughter filling the kitchen.

  When the baking was done, James had reluctantly excused himself, citing the need to run a last-minute errand. In truth, he was eager to make a special purchase for his beloved Bridget – one that would hopefully delight her and show the depth of his affection.

As James strolled through the bustling marketplace, his eyes fell upon a display of vibrant red roses. He paused, considering them thoughtfully. 

"Hmm, white roses seem a bit dull," he mused aloud, a roguish grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Bridget deserves something a bit more... captivating."

Decisively, he plucked a dozen scarlet blooms from the bunch, their rich hues a perfect match for Bridget's fiery spirit. But as he turned to leave, something else caught his eye – a delicate necklace with a small, ruby-encrusted rose pendant.

  James couldn't help but chuckle at his own growing sentimentality. "Gods, I'm becoming as much of a romantic sap as that beanpole Smee," he muttered, rolling his eyes heavenward. But the sight of the exquisite jewelry stirred something within him, and he found himself unable to resist its allure.

With a resigned sigh, James added the necklace to his purchase, knowing full well that Bridget would be the death of his once-feared reputation. But in this moment, he couldn't bring himself to care. The joy he saw in her eyes was worth far more than any fear-induced respect he had once commanded.

Clutching his gifts, James set off to go back to his ship to get a good nights rest for the dance tmr ,eager to surprise Bridget at the dance and see the delight on her face.

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