chapter 10

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WARNING: sex, grabbing ass



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Ophelia Krum made her way to the Hogwarts Daily office early in the morning, the crisp air of the castle corridors invigorating her as she prepared for another busy day. The anticipation of seeing Professor Lupin again, coupled with the lingering excitement from her recent accomplishments, made it hard to focus on the day ahead. She arrived at the office at 8:30 AM, ready to tackle her next assignment.

As she stepped into the quiet room, the few early risers already at their desks looked up and greeted her. The atmosphere was calm, a stark contrast to the usual hustle and bustle later in the day. "Morning, Ophelia," someone called out. "Good job on the article," another added.

Ophelia offered a polite smile and nod, acknowledging their praise without letting it show how much it meant to her. She made her way to her desk, setting her handbag down and pulling out her notes from the interviews she'd conducted the previous day.

James Rivers, a fellow Slytherin, approached her with a broad smile. "Ophelia, congrats on the article. It was really impressive." "Huh? Oh, thanks, James," she replied, her tone neutral.

Before James could say anything more, Penelope Clearwater, the editor-in-chief, called for attention. "Everyone, gather around. I just want to say congratulations to our amazing Ophelia Krum, the first person this year to unlock the special segment. However, even though she has done some superb work I am going to need to give you some work and i want to make sure everyone is on board with it." The few students in the room quieted as Penelope continued, "James Rivers and Ophelia Krum, this week you will be working together on a piece about the history of Slytherin. It's a comprehensive article, so you'll need to do quite a bit of research. I expect great things as both of you are our best writers here. No offence anyone, they're just too good. Now, GET CRACKING PEOPLE! We have an article to publish!"

James looked at Ophelia with a gleam in his eye. "This should be interesting." Ophelia merely nodded. "Sure, let's get started." As they settled into their workspace, James tried to engage her in conversation. "So, where do you think we should begin? The founding of Slytherin, maybe?" Ophelia flipped through her notes, her expression unreadable. "No, let's start with introducing Salazar Slytherin, give a basic outline of him. Then we can go into how he founded and then more things after that. Besides, it makes perfect sense."

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