chapter 2

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The first rays of dawn filtered through the heavy curtains of the Slytherin girls' dormitory, casting a soft glow across the room. Ophelia Krum stirred, the familiar scents and sounds of Hogwarts awakening her senses. She stretched languidly, savouring the moment before the day's hustle began. Today marked the beginning of her fifth year, and she was determined to make it her most academically-pleasing year ever. She slipped out of bed, her feet touching the cool stone floor. With a flick of her wand, the curtains of her four-poster bed drew back fully, allowing the morning light to flood in. The other girls in the dormitory were still asleep, their breathing deep and even. Ophelia moved quietly, not wanting to disturb the peaceful silence.

Standing before the ornate mirror, she surveyed her reflection critically. Her dark hair, unruly from sleep, needed taming. She retrieved a brush from her bedside table and began working through the tangles with practiced ease. Each stroke smoothed her hair, transforming the wild mass into a sleek, glossy braid. She secured the end with a silver clasp, adorned with the Krum family crest.

Satisfied with her hair, she turned her attention to her uniform. She pulled on her crisp white shirt, smoothing out the creases before fastening the buttons. Her green and silver Slytherin tie was next, which she tied perfectly, the knot sitting just right at her collar. She then slipped into her black skirt and pulled on her robes, the fabric whispering against her skin as she fastened the silver clasps. Ophelia opened her trunk, retrieving her polished black shoes. She sat on the edge of her bed, slipping them on and fastening the laces with deft fingers. As she stood, she felt a surge of confidence. The uniform, perfectly put together, made her feel ready to face whatever challenges the day might bring.

She then retrieved her potions book and wand from her nightstand, placing them carefully in her bag. She took a moment to glance at the picture of her family she kept beside her bed—a photograph of her parents and her older brother, Viktor, taken during a summer holiday in Bulgaria. She clenched her jaw at the sight of her parents cooing her brother and her on the side, standing awkwardly. She was not excited to go back home.

With a final glance around the dormitory, ensuring she hadn't forgotten anything, Ophelia headed for the door. As she stepped into the common room, the flickering green light from the enchanted fire cast dancing shadows on the walls. The room was empty, the Slytherin emblem above the fireplace a silent guardian of their house. Ophelia moved swiftly through the corridors of the dungeons, her footsteps echoing softly. As she ascended the staircase to the Great Hall, the sounds of morning activity grew louder. The scent of breakfast wafted through the air, making her stomach rumble in anticipation.

Ophelia Krum, her dark hair meticulously braided, strode confidently through the throng of students. She spotted her friends—Daphne and Astoria Greengrass, along with Pansy Parkinson—already seated at the Slytherin table and joined them, settling into a seat with a graceful ease.

"Morning, Ophelia," Daphne greeted with a warm smile, her blonde hair gleaming in the morning light. "Ready for the new year?"

"Absolutely," Ophelia replied, reaching for a slice of toast. "I've got a feeling this is going to be our year."

Astoria, younger but no less poised, nodded in agreement. "I hear we've got some interesting new additions to the curriculum. Advanced Potions is going to be intense."

Pansy scoffed lightly, sipping her pumpkin juice. "As if Snape could make Potions any more unbearable. I'm just looking forward to seeing who messes up the most."

The girls laughed, their camaraderie a comforting constant amidst the start-of-term chaos. Ophelia glanced over at the Gryffindor table, where Oliver Wood sat, already deep in discussion about Quidditch strategies. His intense brown eyes met hers for a brief moment, and they both scowled instinctively before looking away. Breakfast passed in a blur of laughter and planning, each girl sharing her goals for the year. As the students began to disperse to their first classes, Ophelia gathered her books, giving her friends a confident nod.

"See you all later," she said, departing the hall.

The cool, dark corridors of the dungeons offered a stark contrast to the warmth and light of the Great Hall. Ophelia's footsteps echoed softly as she made her way to Professor Snape's classroom, her mind already focused on the challenges ahead. She entered the Potions classroom and took a seat at the front, pulling out her potions book and preparing for the lesson. Oliver Wood arrived a few minutes later, his jaw set as he took a seat on the opposite side of the room. He glanced at Ophelia, his expression hardening.

"Let's get this over with," he muttered under his breath.

Professor Snape swept into the room, his robes billowing behind him. His sharp eyes scanned the class, and he announced, "Today, you will be working in pairs to brew a complex potion. I have already selected your partners." A collective groan rose from the students, but Snape ignored it, reading from a parchment in his hand. "Wood and Krum," he said, his eyes flicking towards them with a look of satisfaction.

Ophelia felt a surge of irritation but masked it quickly. She stood and moved to the center table where Oliver was already setting up. As she approached, he barely looked up, his expression unreadable. "Fine," Ophelia replied curtly, pulling out her wand and starting to prepare the cauldron. They worked in tense silence, each determined to outdo the other. As they measured and mixed, the potion began to take shape, its colour shifting from a dull grey to a vibrant purple.

"Stir counterclockwise now," Ophelia instructed, her voice authoritative.

"No, it's clockwise," Oliver retorted, frowning at her. "Counterclockwise will ruin it."

Ophelia's eyes flashed with annoyance. "Do you ever listen? The instructions clearly state counterclockwise at this stage."

Oliver glared at her, grabbing the spoon. "Give me that. I'll show you how it's done."

Their hands brushed as they both grabbed for the spoon, and for a moment, they froze, glaring at each other. The tension was palpable. "Fine, do it your way," Oliver muttered, releasing the spoon with a huff.

Ophelia shot him a triumphant look and began to stir counterclockwise, the potion's colour deepening perfectly.

"See?" she said smugly.

Oliver crossed his arms, refusing to acknowledge her success. "Whatever. Just make sure it doesn't blow up." Minutes passed, and the tension between them seemed to build with each careful step. Finally, as the potion reached its final stage, Ophelia added the last ingredient, a sprig of wolfsbane.

"Done," she said, stepping back and wiping her hands on her robe.

Oliver examined the potion, his critical eye searching for any flaw. Finding none, he nodded reluctantly. "It's... not bad," he admitted grudgingly.

Ophelia raised an eyebrow. "Not bad? It's perfect," she retorted.

Before Oliver could respond, Snape appeared beside them, his eyes glinting as he examined their work. He dipped a ladle into the cauldron, inspecting the potion closely. "Impressive," Snape said finally, his voice lacking its usual derision. "Full marks for both of you." Ophelia couldn't help but feel a surge of pride, though she would never admit it to Oliver. As Snape moved on to the next pair, she turned to clean up, her movements brisk and efficient.

"You know, you could try not being so insufferable," Oliver said suddenly, his tone  seeming as if he was mocking her.

Ophelia glanced at him, scoffing. "I could say the same to you," she replied, a harsh glare on her face. 

Oliver chuckled, a rare sound. "Well, it seemed Snape was quite passionate for us to be partners for the year, so I think we should try and put off the insults for this class at least."

Ophelia smirked. "A lesson won't stop me from insulting you Wood, I'm quite offended you'd even think that". She strode off, their arms brushing against each other as they held eye contact. As they left the dungeon, the animosity between them lingered, but it was accompanied by a newfound respect.

Let me be your keeper~ (OPHELIA KRUM X OLIVER WOOD)Where stories live. Discover now