Chapter 1

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The sun glistens off my skin as I walk these familiar streets to my house. The warmth feels like a welcome back, starkly contrasting with the cold, virtual reality that awaits us. To my left, I notice the loose blonde ponytail of my best friend Morgan swinging side to side with every step. Her energy is infectious. To my right, my other best friend Grayson, whose messy dark hair and easygoing grin are trademarks of his carefree nature.

"What do you think, Luke?" Morgan's voice pulls me back from my thoughts.

"Huh?" I reply, momentarily disoriented.

Morgan gives me a soft, almost shy smile. "Are you excited to get back to Cyberia?"

"Absolutely," I say, feeling a surge of excitement. "There are so many things we haven't done yet. I can't wait to explore more."

Morgan's eyes light up. "Maybe we'll finally figure out what those mysterious sneakers of yours do," she says excitedly.

Cyberia is a well-kept secret, known only to a select few. It still baffles me how I managed to stumble upon it. One accidental bump into the storage room in the school's basement revealed the conversion pods that would change my life.

It had been a late Friday afternoon a few weeks back. Grayson, Morgan, and I were just wrapping up our mandatory freshman orientation at West Valley High School. As we were herded by the upperclassmen through the halls on the ground floor, I slowly began losing interest in the tour.

"Jeez, is this thing ever going to end?" I whispered to Grayson.

"Come on, Luke, where's that Wildcat spirit?" Grayson smirked at me. "Can't be losing interest on your first official day."

"Wildcat spirit, huh?" Morgan interjected. "This newfound school pride doesn't happen to have anything to do with you making the varsity football team as a freshman now, does it?"

"Maybe it does," Grayson replied with a grin. "Look at it like this, guys—with my new status in the school, this will only help elevate us in popularity."

"Popularity? Who cares about that," Morgan replied with a chuckle.

"Grayson, you're also acting as if you're the only athlete in the group," I replied.

We continued making our way down the hall. To my left were typical classrooms filled with plenty of books, desks, and educational resources. Gray, spray-painted lockers were sprinkled between each classroom, helping separate the long hallway leading to the stairs into more identifiable sections. To my right, the wall was completely lined with more gray, spray-painted lockers; the only thing preventing the long snake of lockers from continuing down the hallway was the sudden break with gray, double metal doors.

"Yeah, you're probably right there. Basketball is definitely a sport. Although, I can't really say the same thing for swimming," Grayson grinned while looking at Morgan.

"Oh, shut up," Morgan replied, playfully smacking him on the arm.

We all let out a light-hearted chuckle as we continued following the tour. Grayson's teasing about sports made me roll my eyes, but I couldn't help grinning.

"You know, just because you're able to throw a football doesn't mean that you're the best athlete in the school," I said, smirking at him.

Grayson laughed. "Oh really? Coming from a basketball player who never actually tries to score. When was the last time you actually scored in a game?"

"Last week, remember? You were probably too busy staring at the girls in the park to notice," I shot back.

Morgan snickered, giving me a playful nudge. "You two need to quit this alpha complex."

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