Chapter 11

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The following day, the usual rush of students move through the corridors of the bustling West Valley. Throughout the day, Morgan and I make small talk with one other, steering clear of what had happened the day before. But as the day presses on, I can't help but notice Grayson's strange stillness. He didn't said much during lunch, keeping his gaze fixed on his tray as he pushed his food around. I do my best to ignore it—telling myself over and over again that I was doing the right thing by avoiding whatever unknown onslaught Cyberia was facing. The doubts kept creeping in throughout the day, eating at the edges of my determination and making me wonder if I'd made the correct decision.

The customary after-school banter faded into the background as the last bell rang and the school day came to a close. As I walked home, the typical buzz of West Valley faded into the background. I had just started my walk home when Grayson, approaching from behind, caught me up and fell into step.

"What's up, man?" I ask, giving my glance to him, partly astonished.

"I'm going to the clubhouse," he declares, his tone flat but determined.

I furrow my brow at his statement.. "Why? I thought we agreed we needed some time off from all of this."

Grayson shrugs, but his eyes show a glimmer of determination. "You might have decided to step back, but I'm not ready to walk away from this. Something isn't right, and I can't just ignore it."

I pause in mid-stride to face him completely. "Grayson, we have no idea what kind of issue we're dealing with; this isn't part of the game; it's serious. We don't even know what happened to the players in real life after experiencing the player's death.

He takes a big breath and says, "I understand, Luke." Really, I do. But I can't just sit here and do nothing knowing that they haven't been caught yet. They could attack again. If nothing gets done, then no one will feel safe going back regardless. If you won't help, that's fine, but I have to do something.

His comments punch me in the face, leaving me dumbfounded for a moment. Grayson is one of the individuals that has always been stubborn, but why is he risking this? His statement makes me feel more adrift. "Look," I finally reply, hoping to find common ground. "I'm not saying I'm ready to go back in, but I'll accompany you to check it out. Deal?

Grayson's face softens as he considers my offer. He nods and relaxes his shoulders. "Deal," he says back, his voice calm. "I just... I need to know what's going on."

A knot of anxiety tightens my chest as we step into my backyard, continuing all the way to the clubhouse. Returning to Cyberia, with its unknown dangers and looming threat still out there, sets my mind racing over my decision to agree to it all. Each step feels heavier than the last, and by the time we push open the door to the clubhouse, I'm struggling to shake off the growing unease.

When I look across at Grayson, he appears to be much more focused and determined to figure out what's going on. The reality of it reflects back my own doubts, making me wonder if I ever made the right decision. The thought of returning to that kind of chaos when we have so few answers sends shivers down my spine.

As we power on the equipment and log back in, I can't help but wonder: Am I prepared for what we might discover? But a deal is a deal. With Grayson at my side, there's no turning back now.

As my body begins to materialize in Cyberia—the digital world forming around me—I feel the familiar weight of my flashlight taking shape in my pocket. The sensation roots me to a small, comforting presence in the midst of uncertainty moving forward. The world of Cyberia snaps into focus, and while my chest tightens, the familiarity of the flashlight provides ever so slight comfort. It reminds me that even against unknown dangers, I'm not completely unprepared.

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