Chapter 4

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As we approach the Town Hall, its looming shadow begins to engulf us, first catching our eyes with its towering dome, then pulling us deeper into the darkness cast by its imposing walls. With each step, the sounds of the bustling activity inside grow louder, a symphony of excited chatter, the hum of holographic displays, and the sharp ring of high-score alarms, all blending to heighten the surreal atmosphere. The closer we get, the more this world comes alive, drawing us further into its vibrant, digital embrace.

The Town Hall is a testament to futuristic engineering, seamlessly blending sleek, high-tech aesthetics with functional architecture. Morgan and I walk together, step by step, as we ascend the grand staircase leading to this marvel of modern design. As we reach the top, the automated doors glide open with a soft, pneumatic hiss, revealing a vast, high-tech interior pulses with life and innovation, welcoming us into its cutting-edge embrace.

As we step inside, the sheer scale of the Town Hall takes my breath away. The ceiling stretches high above us, seemingly endless, supported by massive columns that glow with a soft, ambient light. The walls are adorned with intricate, shifting patterns that pulse in time with the faint hum of the building itself, almost as if the very structure is alive and breathing with the flow of data. The polished, reflective floor beneath our feet mirrors the vibrant colors of the holographic displays floating in the air around us, each flickering with real-time updates on event schedules, player rankings, and guild messages.

As I take it all in, my admiration of Cyberia is interrupted by the familiar chatter of two voices echoing through the grand hall.

"This place is amazing," Grayson's voice says, cutting through the hum of the hall.

"I have to agree," Ian replies, his tone full of awe.

I turn around to see Ian and Grayson seated in one of the alcoves to the left of the grand staircase. The comfortable, high-backed chairs they've chosen offer a sense of privacy, surrounded by translucent screens that provide just enough seclusion while still allowing a view of the hall. As I notice them, they meet my gaze with friendly, inviting looks.

Morgan and I take a seat across from them, the buzz of activity in the Town Hall providing a constant backdrop. The energy here is electric, a reminder that every decision we make in this world could ripple out, affecting not just us, but the entire realm of Cyberia. But for now, the focus is on Ian, on helping him find his way in this new and complex world.

"So Ian", I ask as I look across from him, the grandeur of the Town hall momentarily taking a back seat to the conversation at hand, "what happened to you back there?"

Ian shifts uncomfortably in his cushioned chair, his fingers fidgeting with a loose thread on the wrist of his chocolate brown sweater. He glances over at Grayson, who gives him an encouraging nod, before glancing up and meeting my eyes.

"This isn't the first time I've run into guys like Reese", Ian begins, his voice showing hesitancy and slight anxiety. "Normally, I have to deal with this thing in the real world, but I guess that I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I was just watching some of the other players duel, just trying to get a feel for this new game, you know? But then Reese and his buddies showed up.

"He pauses, releasing a long deep sigh from his lips, "They started messing with me, trying to pick a fight. I didn't want to duel any of them, so I tried to walk away, but they would not let me. Before I knew it, I was laying on the ground, and well... you saw the rest."

Morgan leans forward from her chair, her expression softening. "I'm so sorry Ian. You didn't deserve any of that".

Ian's eyes drop back down to the sleeve of his sweater. "Thanks".

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