Different, Together! (2)

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[Not edited]

(Final Part)

After a few weeks the worker drones managed to hide in an underground bunker. We killed over half of their population, but J was still pretty pissed we couldn't get them all.

"THIS IS ALL YOU'RE FAULT. YOU'RE CAPABLE, SO YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO KILL LIKE YOU MEAN IT!" J slapped me across the face with no remorse.

"Get out of my sight."

J's abused me since day one so I'm used to the treatment. With nothing but a sigh I took off, flying with no destination.

I landed in an abandoned city in search of any source of oil. I hate killing worker drones and it shows. I show sympathy for the little guys and now it's leaving me alone and overheating with no food.

"Ugh... I'm gonna die here and it's all my fault... I'm pathetic..."

"Y/N?? Y/N! Are you around here?"


I tried to yell, but the overheating was too much to bear. My systems started shutting down and I couldn't move an inch if I wanted to.


"Y/N? Are you in here...?" I could hear him getting closer, but I still couldn't do anything to indicate my existence.


Oh thank robo-god...

"Hey, N..."

"Oh shoot you're overheating bad!"

"Yeah... that's what I get for not following orders."

N helped me sit up slowly before revealing a worker drone head he had behind his back.

"Did you..."

"No. V gave it to me. I still hate killing just as much as you."

I nodded. "I believe that." I was still super grossed out by the fact that I was currently holding a worker drone head, but drinking the oil was better than starving.

I gingerly wiped the oil from my mouth before setting the head down. "Thanks, N. How'd you know where to find me?"

"I followed the way you went a little after you left then I tracked your footprints from where you landed."

"Oh. Well, thank you... you saved my life." I smiled sheepishly. It was pretty embarrassing almost dying like that.

"No problem! I wouldn't want you dying. You're... my only true friend here. J's our leader, she could care less about us, and V follows J. You're kind and you care. So... thank you."

We sat there in the abandoned building in silence for a minute just smiling at each other.

"Come on, let's get out of here." N held his hand out to me which I happily accepted.

"Thank again, N. You quite literally saved my life."

"No pro-"

I kissed N lightly on the cheek before flying out of the abandoned building. N stood there in shock for a second before following.

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