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…Why am I coming out so early?

Right after the AG Korean trainees?

– “Oh, is my name too old-fashioned? I’ve never thought of it that way….”

On the screen, I had a slightly embarrassed look, smoothly handling Moon Yun Ha’s absurd comment about my name being cheesy.

I thought they would edit out that part where Moon Yun Ha tries to stir things up, but they kept it as is?

“Ha, haha….”

Seeing myself on TV, I couldn’t help but laugh awkwardly.

I was used to seeing myself on the screen 10, even 100 times by now.

But seeing my younger self without any mental preparation was a bit shocking.

And, more than anything….


I pushed away my sister and Nari’s arms, who were pointing and laughing at the screen, trying to hide my embarrassment.

“Don’t laugh! Don’t laugh!”

I hadn’t come home during my two-day break before, so I didn’t know their reaction would be like this.

My family, alternating between my flushed face and my well-groomed self on screen, was flabbergasted.

“What? Wouldn’t you find it funny? My brother’s out there making a fool of himself like that? Oh my gosh, it’s hilarious. ‘Is my name old-fashioned?’ He’s saying stuff like that!”

“That’s what I’m saying. Look at his hair and face. He’s got full makeup on. Are you a bride? You look like you’re wearing bridal makeup.”

“Then what, should I go out there bare-faced? If I did, you’d say I looked ugly and embarrassing!”

“Oh, dear. Our-our son looks handsome….”

“Dad! You’re joining in too!”

My voice rose in frustration, making not just my sisters but even my parents stifle their laughter behind their hands.

I rubbed my flushed face furiously, pretending I didn’t see their reactions.

Okay, let’s not get too worked up. Monitoring is important. I have to keep doing this. They’ll get used to it eventually.

And as I continued to watch the broadcast carefully, wondering if I was imagining things, I realized I wasn’t.

<Trainee Kim Chunyong’s unique performance stirs the audience!>

My screen time… wasn’t bad.

– “Our crew… would be happy to have you.”

<Sudden casting offer?! Ambitious judge Jin Dasol>

– “Thank you for the compliment, but… I want to become an idol. Still, I appreciate your words!”

<Kim Chun-yong trainee shyly declines… Could it be a green light?>

First, the chemistry with Jin Dasol was quite good. The bit where Moon Yun Ha nitpicked my name was a small humorous point, and even getting scolded by Min Si Young seonbae wasn’t too harsh.

– “…I can’t give this performance a score. I’m giving it the lowest marks.”

– “…I’m giving it 100 points.”

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