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As idol fandom, thirsty for drama, was paying close attention to Targeting Star, the chemistry clips of the trainees released as teasers for Episode 4 on the official YouTube channel were gaining significant traction.

[불났어요불 @fireworksday 


Seriously, the conversation between the Purebloods at dawn is hilarious ㅋㅋㅋㅋ They’re so sleepy that all I hear are mumbling noises ㅠ What are we supposed to do with these baby animals??] 

[⎿In the video, they specifically called them ‘Brothers’ but of course, Hwa Sung’s Mom* still insists on calling them Purebloods ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Totally blinded by classism ㅠ]

(T/N: I don’t think I mentioned this in previous chapters, but the “[trainee]’s mom” nickname is a reference to superfans who act like the trainees’ moms, not their actual moms) 

[Bungbangchanchan @UUchan__ALL 

They’re being grouped as the Vocal Legends but is SB really that good…? Honestly, Chani is so overwhelming it’s just ㅋㅋㅋㅋ] 

[⎿ㅇㅇ @DWDFROP9999 

Yeah, you should worry about your poor Yu Chan being from a trashy background] 

[AG C&T Corporation  @HARDWARE_store 


#Lullaby sung by Jae Ha #Listen♡] 

[Aren’t Tsubasa and Ryota Japanese? So why are they suddenly saying ‘I forgot the Japanese word’? Ridiculous] 

[⎿But they can’t speak Korean either… Global trainee, zero languages, help ㅆㅂ] 

As people discussed their own and others’ trainees’ videos, gaining attention, there were those who particularly stood out. 

[<Chunyong & Liu Wei> Our late-night practice is hotter than your daytime idling!] 

This was none other than the late-night practice of Kim Chunyong and Liu Wei. 

– “Hey… Liu Wei.” 

– “…….” 

– “Wanna practice together?” 

– “…Fine.” 

With hardly any conversation, the two danced madly to Choi Gaon’s ‘Crucial Boy,’ and the video was gaining huge popularity. 

[What’s with this Kim Chunyong and Liu Wei pairing? So unexpected, lol.] 

[What should we call this pairing? The Dancers?] 

[⎿Will you die if they don’t have a name? Just call them Kim Chunyong & Liu Wei ;] 

[⎿⎿Yeah, sure, next time learn to understand the idol industry, loser ㅅㄲ] 

Currently, Kim Chunyong is trending thanks to the meme “How is an idol trainee named Kim Chunyong,” his unexpectedly great dance skills, and his street-tough looks. 

Meanwhile, Liu Wei, with his cold and aloof charm, the public’s fondness for the Chinese member, and his top-tier talent, was drawing more conventional popularity. 

These two polar opposites, trainees in the same position, were staying up all night, practicing together. 

[They must be in the same team for the 3rd round… They’re totally battling it out with their dance skills, insane.] 

[⎿But wait, the song is ‘Crucial Boy,’ right? Is Choi Gaon going to jump in while they’re dancing?] 

[⎿Honestly, I wouldn’t mind.] 

Of course, what the internet users were excitedly speculating about 

was a little different from reality.

‘I guess that conversation in the break room with Logan didn’t make the cut after all.’

A night at the trainee’s dorm…

Kim Chunyong let out a sigh of relief as he pulled the blanket off his head, having finished his search. 

‘Whether it’s PD Joo Cheol Yeong or the main writer, I figured one of them would block the video from airing… but it’s still a strange feeling.’ 

He could have had his conversation with Logan by the basement stairs, but he deliberately chose the break room instead. 

The reason was that Kim Chunyong wanted to “show” it to the people behind the cameras. 

He and Logan had already discussed Do Jae Chan and the internal situation of Targeting Star. They knew that the people behind the cameras were aware of this. 

‘So, pay more attention to what we do. Make sure Logan’s family matters don’t get exposed… that’s what this is about.’ 

Back when Kim Chunyong was known as the notorious Trash Rex was causing trouble, Joo Cheol Yeong had featured his family in entertainment news programs to advertise his bad behavior. 

[Is Rex’s Antics Really Due to the Loss of His Family?!]

These days, for reasons unknown, Joo Cheol Yeong seemed to have picked Kim Chunyong as his favorite, but that past bitterness hadn’t faded easily. 

‘I want Logan to be a member of Arrows, not to have his personal matters exposed to the whole world.’ 

As memories of that chaotic time resurfaced, Kim Chunyong bit down on the inside of his cheek with his canine teeth and turned onto his side. 


– X: Whoa, getting a bit emotional there. ㄷㄷ 

– X: But did you really need to blow off steam by dancing with Liu Wei like that? ㅠㅠ 

– X: Even though his face didn’t change, I could tell he was pissed from a mile away…. 

As X pointed out, after Kim Chunyong finished his talk with Logan, he spent the entire night practicing with Liu Wei, which was basically him venting his frustrations. 

How many people were being dragged into this because of you and Director Shin? 

Why do you insist on using Arrows as a stepping stone, making me scramble to find a new member? 

Why do you keep making it harder for me to atone? 


Realizing that this behavior stemmed from the habit of blaming others, something that had started during his Trash Rex days, Kim Chunyong furrowed his brow and quickly typed a reply.

– Kim Chunyong: What. Ever. Man.   ㅡㅡ

– Kim Chunyong: If you hadn’t sent me back to this point, I wouldn’t have done that. 

– X: Oh, so it’s my fault now? Ooooh… 

– X: Classic problematic member attitude, huh? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

– X: Anyway.

– X: Go to sleep already. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ You need makeup to look less scary, bro. 

– X: If you stay up late, your makeup won’t stick and it’ll mess up your performance tomorrow~~ 

Seeing X’s teasing and concern, Kim Chunyong shoved his phone under the pillow. 

X was right. 

The performance for the position competition, which could change everything, was just around the corner.

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