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Hearing Kim Chunyong say, “I plan to get your help too,” Gao Yan’s eyes sparkled, though only for exactly one minute. 

“Oh… Oh my…!” 

As Gao Yan continued to listen, his face slowly transformed into one of horror and dread. By the end, he was rubbing his arms like he had goosebumps. 

“I never imagined Chunyong hyung knew something like this, let alone thought of it. They say a kind person is terrifying when they get angry. I take back what I said earlier.” 

It would be a lie to say that I didn’t crack a wry smile at that. 

“…I didn’t expect to actually go through with this either. That’s why I was hoping things would work out with Li Ming Shen instead. That way would’ve been more humane.” 

“Chunyong hyung, Gao Yan is scared! Do you know that much about me too…?” 

“Hmm… What do you think? Do I know, or do I not know?” 


“I’m kidding, man. Come on, head out. It’ll look strange if you stay here too long.” 

After ending the conversation with Gao Yan, Kim Chunyong’s expression subtly shifted as he stood alone in the vocal room. 

Whether it was because Gao Yan was simple minded, or he just didn’t ask on purpose, the guy never questioned what ‘facts’ Chunyong knew. 

Thanks to that, Chunyong didn’t have to explain the source of his information to Gao Yan either. His fingers were already unlocking his phone. 

Ding! Ding! Ding…!

“Ugh, so loud.” 

Ignoring the flood of messages from X that seemed ready to eat up his notification bar, he opened Outgram. 

Now that Gao Yan was gone, it was time to check the comments. 

[issuestar has sent a DM: Hello! This is the WeTube channel Issue Star. We’d like to request an interview regarding the rumors about trainee Kim Chunyong….] 

[SNFAPAEIJ commented: This trainee’s nerve is insane. His face says it all. All that’s left is a school violence scandal.] 

[ADNFAJLAED commented: Just quit, just quit, just quit. Stop burdening our trainees and just quit.] 

It was as if his @Springyong_TT account, with its mere three posts, had been waiting for this moment—it was about to burst with notifications. 

“Good thing the production team disabled notifications beforehand, geez.” 

Grumbling under his breath, Kim Chunyong, with slightly trembling fingers, tapped his first post. Underneath, the flood of comments unfolded. 

The top one was from Choi Gun-young, which Chunyong had pinned. 

[@ChoiGY_: Next time we meet, I’ll beat you. lol] 

That simple, somewhat firm statement alone was enough to bring a smile to his face. 

But the real action was in the comments below. 

[How is this guy’s name Kim Chunyong… apparently he met his girlfriend during the last break and even brought her to the dorms. What do you all think? Leave your MBTI and reaction!] 

[⎿I’m an INFP, and I think he should quit immediately. I’m shaking with betrayal, tears streaming down my face.] 

[⎿Sounds fake? INFPs would be too busy crying to leave a comment like this. Clearly an INTJ in disguise.] 

[⎿Got me, lol. INFP, get out. And take the girlfriend-having trainee with you.] 

[⎿Dividing people into 16 categories is nonsense anyway, but yeah, I agree he should quit, haha.] 

[The face of that person in the scandal isn’t clear, but judging by this guy’s face, it seems believable… It feels like this was bound to blow up.] 

[Is the dating scandal all that matters? What kind of audacity does he have to scam people in a famous game and still think he can debut? lol] 

[⎿ I can’t believe this. As a gamer, I’m furious. What happened? Kim Chunyong, say something lol.] 

The overwhelming number of angry comments, far outnumbering any positive ones, were all venting their rage at Kim Chunyong. 

A mere trainee, no solid proof, yet that was enough for people to lash out—just because he’d been “caught.” 

For an ordinary trainee, this barrage would be more than enough to crush their spirit. 

But as Kim Chunyong scrolled through the comments, his expression was more curious than upset. 

“…It’s not as bad as I thought?” 

Despite the overwhelming notifications, he remained calm. 

What must be noted here is that Kim Chunyong was a seasoned veteran who had been through the brutal entertainment industry for seven years as a controversial figure. 

Getting insulted for things he didn’t do, getting 50 times more hate for things he did do, getting bashed just for existing—it was all too familiar to him. 

It’s Kim Chunyong who came back after going through all of that. There was no way this would faze him now. 

[⎿What kind of parents raised a kid like this? Disgusting.] 

[⎿Apparently, his father brought him to his girlfriend’s dorm. Like father, like son, lol.] 

Of course, there were comments that made his expression tighten in distaste. But that was another issue. 

After calmly assessing the current public sentiment, Chunyong closed the app and took a deep breath.

“…This much is fine. Let’s not respond. It’ll just turn into noise marketing.” 

The production team wouldn’t start paying serious attention to a trainee’s scandal without concrete evidence. 

They needed solid proof that the rumors circulating were truly about Kim Chunyong. 

That’s why Chunyong had been cautiously strategizing, carefully calculating the best way to handle Liu Wei. 

The public wasn’t stupid. 

[But there’s no real proof? How can you tell from that blurry photo that it’s Kim Chunyong or a girlfriend? Couldn’t it be his family?] 

[⎿Ah, no matter what, it’s gotta be his girlfriend, lol.] 

[⎿To those spreading baseless rumors, I’ve taken screenshots and will be forwarding them to AG Entertainment.] 

[⎿Oh wow, here comes the lawsuit threat. Will that even work? ㅠ] 

[⎿This will also be forwarded.] 

[⎿But look at the timing, lol. Quiet up until now, then right before the voting closes? Feels malicious to me.] 

[⎿Exactly, lol. It’s like someone’s framing him right after his ranking drops. Such dirty tactics.] 

[Chunyong, I believe in you.]

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