[But isn’t the narrative for the AG pure-bloods way too much? It’s kinda gross ;; Why are they already sticking together like that?]
[⎿Exactly… Didn’t they say only the strong survive? But we don’t even have time to see the others ㅋㅋㅋㅋ]
[⎿For real, aren’t they mistreating trainees from other agencies and individuals too much? This makes me want to support the other trainees more.]
[But are the AG trainees really that much better than the others? I don’t see it ㅋ It’s just AG favoritism.]
It wasn’t just the community boards. On SNS, where anonymity was easier to maintain, the comments were even harsher.
#TargetingStar #AGTrainees We don’t buy forced narratives, we don’t consume, we don’t support, we boycott AG.]
[너죽고나죽고 @killlllkillll
What’s with Ahn Jin Woo’s snaggletooth? Looks so different from the photos? And this guy is an AG pureblood ㅋㅋㅋㅋ The level is clear, right?]
[⎿Crazy person, the personal attack is strong ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]
[⎿This is the fun of watching survival shows ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]
“Ha ha….”
Lee Hyeon Jeong pressed the back button with a slightly uneasy expression.
Although these were posts the production team had anticipated, it still wasn’t easy to read. It wasn’t just criticism, but outright attacks directed at trainees they’d been watching for over two months now.
…All from people who had only seen them for 5 to 10 minutes.
‘Still, we have to look. We live off people’s reactions. If we don’t see this, we become outdated!’
Even this negative buzz ultimately contributed to viewership ratings.
It was a fact that Joo Cheol Young had taught her.
‘Well, anyway, it’s better to have screen time than none. I haven’t done anything wrong. This should be good for them too.’
With a weary determination, she widened her tired eyes and calmly observed the reactions to other trainees as well.
[I Like British Guys @logaaaanUKUK
(Video) (27K views)
I made a new account just for this guy… How about a British guy with a guitar singing his own song on a Korean boy group survival show, crazy. But his screen time is so short, damn these stingy broadcast station bastards.]
[Seriously, Seong Won Hyeop went through such a tough trainee life… Kicked out of the debut group twice and now in a survival show? If it were me, I would have cried and studied for the civil service exam. You’re amazing, Won Hyeop.]
[⎿They should have shown more of him ㅠㅠ]
The evaluations of trainees who received less focused editing compared to the AG trainees were definitely more straightforward. They showed more of the performances themselves rather than focusing on their backstories.
(Video) (5.4K views)
Ah, damn, watching a new boy group survival show because of my younger sibling and this guy is hilarious ㅠㅠ Didn’t prepare any backing track or dance, but he’s so confident… I really don’t understand today’s idol aspirants.]

Random**Story not mine** Title: The Malicious Member is Back! Nicknamed the worst malicious member in idol history, called 'Trash-Rex.' Stage name Rex, real name Kim Chunyong. As he was urgently arrested, with only the entertainment world waiting for him...