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After walking for a bit, me and Ash finally made it to the ice cream parlor. We ordered what we wanted and sat down, I looked across the parlor, and of course Barron was here. "Oh great, at this point he's stalking us" I said, pointing at Barron and his friends. "I swear he's everywhere we go" Ash said as she looked behind her, seeing Barron. She was obviously uncomfortable, she started shaking her leg and fidgeting with her hands and biting her lip. "Ash we can leave if you're uncomfortable" i suggested, i hated seeing her like this. She shook her head, looking up at me "No it's fine, I'm not leaving just because Barron's here" "Move over" i said, standing up to sit next to her. She moved down the seat over to the wall, and i sat down next to her, grabbing her hand. "It's gonna be okay ash, maybe he won't even notice we're here" I turned a bit to sit facing her, putting my other hand on her leg to stop it from shaking. "Even if he does notice us, I'll take care of it, okay?" she looked away, almost looking guilty. "Aiden i don't want you getting in any more fights, especially with barron" "I'm not gonna fight him ash, even if he wants to, i wont fight him i promise. If he tries to start anything with us I'll just talk to him." she looked like she felt a bit better, but was still clearly uncomfortable being around Barron. "You sure you don't wanna leave, Ash?" "I'm sure, I'm fine" "No you're not, you're clearly uncomfortable" "I'll be fine aiden" i sighed and took my hand off her leg and let go of her hand. I pulled her in for a hug, burying my head in the crook of her neck. "You don't have to lie to me ash" "I'm just worried that barron will hurt you" "If he tries anything we'll leave, ok ash?" she nodded, i could tell she felt a bit better. We finally got our ice cream and sat back down, Ashlyn didn't see, but barron clearly noticed us, i was just hoping he would come bother us, but of course that's just too much to ask. As predicted he walked over to us with his friend group. "Awhh is the carrot-top and psycho on a date?" "Aww, is little barron coming over to us with his friend group because he's too fucking pathetic to do anything alone? Seriously, if you didn't have your friends you could easily be bullied. You make it too obvious that you're to scared to do anything alone so you constantly follow them around like a lost puppy, it really is embarrassing and pathetic" i said, grabbing Ashlyn's hand to keep her calm. I knew she got a little anxious when it came to conflict. "And you obsess over ashlyn like she's a goddess or something, i don't even know what she sees in a psycho like you." he said in an overly confident voice. "I don't obsess over her, I'm just really attached to her, it's two different things. And she doesn't want you or any of your friends, so stop trying so hard, its weird and cringe"
"And how do you know that? like at least we dont look like psychos" "Ok? get fucking creative because you've said that at least 5 times everyday. At least i dont look like i used a mop for a wig. beauty has been chasing you your whole life but clearly you're somehow faster, which is a fucking miracle because looking at your, you probably run at 0.01 miles per hour. if you tried doing jumping jacks it would probably cause an earthquake strong enough to split the US in half. i would say your eyes tried social distancing for the pandemic but clearly they took 'stay 6 feet apart' way too seriously and multiplied it by 5, which makes you look like a fucking hammer head shark. People say looks don't matter but if they saw you they would immediately change their mind, you legit are identical to a chimpanzee. You want intelligence but it clearly doesn't want you, but let's be honest no one wants you. I could go on but i don't really wanna be here for hours"
"I-" "Barron just shut up already you clearly lost" ashlyn interrupted. i sighed and grabbed our trash and stood up "C'mon ash lets go" i said, throwing the trash away. I grabbed her hand again and we walked out of the ice cream parlor, walking back to ashlyns house. "You okay ash?" i said, letting go of her hand and wrapping my arm around her waist. "..Yeah why wouldn't i be?" she hesitated. "I can tell you get a bit anxious during things like that, its clear you don't like conflict" "How could you tell..?" "You get all fidgety, especially when me and Tyler's arguments start to become serious instead of playful. you always get fidgety or try to stop the argument as quick as you can" "It's surprising how observant you are, even barely notice when im fidgeting"
we continued to talk until we finally made it back to her house. "You wanna spend the night?" she ask as she unlocked the door. "Is that even a question at this point?" She giggled a bit and i couldn't help but find her laugh adorable, especially since i barely ever heard it. I dramatically gasped, acting shocked "Did i just make THE ashlyn banner laugh? This is a moment in history!" i said in a super dramatic, shocked voice. "Shush or no snacks" "You're mean, I'm calling CPS" "You're not my kid??" "I am now" "I think that would be a little weird since you're my boyfriend" "oh you're right, I'll just call the cops and tell them you kidnapped me!" she giggled again "I'll tell them i went to sleep alone and then woke up with a random psycho in my bed who broke in" "I hate you" "Mhm..love ya too"


WC: 1075

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