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Qick note b4 i start this: I said this chapter was gonna be full of angst but i lied (i forgot to make it have a lot of angst) also I pulled an al nighter and told myself i would write a new chapter all night but i ended up fergeting sohere i am, 20 minutes of sleep, 7-8am writing this, fueling off of kool aid jammers😔 To motivate me i told myself that o cant hve mac n cheese for breakfast intil i finsin writing a chaper👍


I noticed that ashlyn was about to fall asleep, i shook her awake a bit "C'mon lets go back if you're gonna fall asleep" she mumbled the word ok and slowly sat up, climbing down the bus. Once we both got down i picked her up bridal style. We made it back to the original bus and I laid her down on the bed, lying down next to her. She moved closer to me and cuddled up to my chest, wrapping her arms around me. I put one hand on the back of her head, and the other around her waist, pulling her even closer to me.  "Goodnight ash" I whispered. "night.." ash mumbled, i could barely even tell what she said because of how quiet she was talking. I kissed her on the forehead and watched her face turn a light shade of pink.


I heard aiden whispering to ashlyn, i couldn't really hear but it sounded like he was saying goodnight. tyler and logan were both asleep, so now it was just me and ben. I lay on his chest, and he reached over to hold my hand. I dont really know if the group has caught on yet, but me and ben are dating, we have been for almost a month and we wanted to wait and see how long it takes them to realize. I gripped onto his hand, his skin rough against mine. He wrapped his other arm around me, making me feel more and more tired by the second.


I woke up in the phantom realm to phantoms screetching, i winced and went to cover my ears, but aiden noticed and covered them before i could. "Do you need headphones? they work better than your earplugs" aiden asked me. "Yes please" "Taylor pass me my bag in the back" taylor handed him his backpack, which had at least two pairs of headphones, and an extra thing of ear plugs. He quickly put the headphones on me, we sat with our backs against the windows of the bus and he wrapped his arm around my waist to comfort me. I rested my head on him, playing music to help tune out the phantoms. "You ok now ash?" Aiden asked. I nodded, we all got up, out of the bus. By now we had the car in the graveyard, so it's safe to get to. "Who's driving?" logan asked. We all looked at taylor "What? Why do i have to drive?" "Because we said so" aiden said. Taylor sighed and started the car, we stopped by a store, looking for any supplies we could use inside. In the store I spotted med kits "We should take some of these just in ca-" I was cut off by a phantom grabbing me from behind and throwing me to the ground.
The last thing i could remember was I hit my head and everything went black. am i going to die?


We were looking around in a store when i was startled by ash breaking the silence by pointing at some med kits and suggesting we take some. While she was talking a phantom snuck up on her and threw her to the ground. holy shit, how did i not see that thing? I saw that ash wasn't getting up, and a wave of panic rushed through me. i quickly rushed over to her. "Ash! Ash? Are you ok? Can you hear me? Ash!" I checked for a pulse, she was still alive. I felt slightly relieved but she still wasn't getting up, and her nose and head began to bleed. "Tyler! quick get me a med kit!" Tyler nodded and quickly handed me a med kit. I turned ash on her side, cleaning up where her head was bleeding and wrapping it in bandages. I checked her pulse again and it felt more weak, it felt slow. I felt tears forming in my eyes, i wont let her die. I sat her down in my lap, keeping her head supported. Tear rolled down my face, taylor kept checking Ashlyn's pulse to make sure it wasnt slowing down anymore, tyler was making sure to clean the blood off of her, and ben and logan were watching out for phantoms. once we were able to make sure ash would be ok, we went out into the car and started driving back. I sat in the back of the car with ash, holding her, praying that she'll wake up. I looked down at her, noticing that her eyes were fluttering. she rubbed her eyes and coughed up blood. "What happened?" she groaned. "A phantom attacked you and you hit your head really bad, do you feel ok?" "Other than having the worse headache of my life and hearing screeching, yeah im great" We made it back to the graveyard yard, I sat next to ash as she laid on the bed we made inside the bus. "Do you want some water?" i asked "yes please" i handed a bottle of water to her, also offering some pain killers with it. "Thanks babe" my face lit up "you're welcome!" "dont get all excited that just slipped out." "yes ma'am" ash rolled her eyes and giggle, setting the water down and laying back onto the bed.  I looked over out the window and my soul nearly jumped out of my body, there was a phantom. how did it get past the lights? I looked over and saw that some of the lights weren't working, maybe didn't get enough sun today? "Uhm guys" I pointed out the window. Ashlyn sat up and jumped a little. "How did it get in here?" "I think i forgot to move some of the solar panels into the sun, they were probably covered by shade" "Oh my lord aiden." Tyler sighed. "Tyler shut up, everyone makes mistakes, like when you and logan got caught making out last night and ash literally had to leave the bus because she could hear you guys!" (A/N everyone makes mistakes I've had more than my share but its ok bc im gonna repair it☝️🤓🤓 [you better understand the joke😔])
"Aiden clark im gonna slaughter you." "Love you too ty! anyway, where'd the phantom go?" I said looking out the window. (A/N HELP I ACCIDENTALLY PUT "pooping out the window😭)Suddenly we look over and its walking onto the bus. "Fuck, this is literally what happened in the beginning of this mess, it cornered us back here" Tyler said. "Yeah but now we know how to kill it" I grinned, pointing to my flashlight. I shined my flashlight at the phantom and it shreeked, but it wouldn't die. "Uhh" I said, panicking, trying to see if using more flashlights would work. I saw the phantom eyeing ashlyn, it looked like it was about to attack. The lights weren't working so i had no choice. I climbed over the seats, sneaking up behind the phantom. I grabbed it from behind and twisted its neck all the way around, i heard a big crack and the phantom screamed in pain. I saw ash wince a bit "Ash! turn on some music!" i said, i didnt want her ears to be hurt, it would also make her headache worse. The phantom twisted free, scratching my arm. Dark red blood dripped down my arm, onto the floor, but it only made me smile, despite my wound stinging and throbbing with pain. I kicked the phantom to the ground and grabbed its head, using all the strength i had to try and pull it's head off. I thought about how it was gonna attack ash, how it could've hurt her, use more strength, you can do it, do it for ash. I ripped its head off, phantom blood splattering all over my face. "What the fuck aiden, we could've just lured it outside into brighter light" Tyler said, staring at a pool of my blood and phantom blood mixed. "Well this is the more fun way" "Clean yourself up psycho" ash teased. "But first we need to take care of his arm" Taylor said, grabbing a bandage, rubbing alcohol, and cotton balls. she cleaned my arm and bandaged it up, then handed me a towel to clean my face with. "Logan, time?" I asked as i finished up cleaning my face. "Oh we only have about a minute" he said looking at his watch. I shrugged and threw the bloody towel right in tylers face and sat down next to ash. "Aiden the second i see you im gonna kill you!" "womp womp" i giggled, he hates when i say that.

yw for giving u another chapter so soon, it wouldve been down this morning if i actually stayed motivated but i had 20 mins of sleep and was hungry so can you blame me? Anyway i fell alseep again so now i have an hour of sleep 😱😱 (this is really rare)  also i kept my spelling mistakes in the little note before the chapter started bc u can tell hoe tired i was 😭 i quite literally hallucinated my sister and then she screeched at me, like in a way i would imagine a phantom screeching to sound and i was terrified 💀 SORRY I THOUGHT I PUBLISHED THIS BUT I DIDNT???

WC: 1670

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