chapter two: the cut that always bleeds.

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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

t.w. - rape and physical abuse

it's about 12:45am and we're looking for some constellation. i immediately saw aquila and some of my classmates saw the ursa major.

it has been weeks ever since i ignored my friends. even if they invite me to some parties at the bound i didn't bother to join. i know adrian will be there as well.

the bound is the secret lair of the slytherin house. it was founded by mattheo when he thought the false door in my closet is a secret compartment. now slytherins use it for parties, shortcut to the clock tower, shortcut to every common room of other houses, it also has a shorcut towards hogsmeade.

after my astronomy class i immediately went to our common room. i saw adrian with his friends and they are passing around some flask.

"oh! you're girlfriend is here, adrian" flint said and they turned into my direction.

he stood up and ran towards me, he suddenly pulled me into an embraced and he reeks alcohol.

"where did you go? i was waiting for you?" he asked.

"astronomy class, adrian. maybe you should stop drinking now... i'll help you move into your dorm" he nodded and i helped him.

we went upstairs and i helped him move to his bed. i was about to go but he pulled me in.

"adrian, i need to go" i said and i kept on resisting.

"no. you're not going anywhere" he said and tightly hug me.

"adi... please, i need some sleep" i said and he kissed my neck.

"adi... please..." he forcefully pushed me to his bed.

"no... please no!!!" i yelled and he started to unbutton my uniform.

tears started to form in my eyes, i kept on pushing him off.

"adrian! no!"

he forced himself on me, it hurt. i cannot budge to fight for myself. i felt weak.

"adrian!!! please... i'm begging you"


that night, i cried for help. i screamed help multiple times only to know that his friends were outside listening to what he did to me. they didn't help even a little bit, they even smirked when they saw me leaving the room.

that night i went to my dorm bleeding to death. i felt disgusted, i felt betrayed, i felt helpless...

i head towards the bathroom to wash it all away

"you know the spell..."
"wipe him away..."

my head started throbbing in pain, i felt the pain all around my body.

i tried to wash away the filth, i tried to wash it all away.

i ended up crying in the shower room. i'm still bleeding, physically and mentally.

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