chapter 15: the exit

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D.A. session

i taught neville other defensive spells that can help him. i focused on neville since harry appointed me to teach him. i'm enjoying it since he's a sweetheart. he told me a lot about books, herbology and plants. he's attentive and a kind kid.

"impedimenta" he chanted and he sure is enjoying this.

we heard a loud thud outside and we're startled.

"good heavens." i exclaimed and neville helped me to get up. we took a closer look and saw a hole.

"looks like they got us" said by harry.

we saw umbridge pointing her wand at the hole.

"get down!" harry yelled and the wall exploded.


"carina... you must go. it's not safe here anymore. your kid is probably waiting for you" said by padad.

"sirius, i need to fight. i know my dear baby will understand once she grow up. i'll make sure that i'll get home safe" i said.

"carina. i beg of you, don't let this child grow up without any parent figure"

"if i must go... i know she has you. don't let my sister or anyone take her, alright?" i said and hurriedly left.


"severa, we've got to run" neville said and he helped me stand up.

we ran away unfortunately we're caught. we're headed to the great hall. when we sat down, i saw a familiar quill.

"bunch of cowards" i said, i sat down and wrote the phrase on the parchment. i saw the engraved words on my hands, i rolled my eyes.

when we finished, we went out and saw cho.

"severa..." i ignored her and when i saw marceline i immediately approached her. she's crying, when i saw yana she has tears on her eyes but she's quietly walking away.

i quickly went to my dorm room, i saw the three on the couch.

"sev-" i didn't bother to listen since i really need to dress my wound. i grabbed my aid kit on my luggage and hurriedly put the antiseptic solution on my hand. i was hurt but it's for my own good. i decided to carry around my kit so i can help the others dress their wounds. for sure madam pomfrey will be exhausted.

when i went down i saw them again, i gave matty an extra solution.

"talk to yana, and dress her wound. i'll go around to help" i said and when i was about to leave i saw malfoy with his minions.

"acting like a hero aye? i'm utterly disgusted to call you my cousin"

"kill him... you know the spell"

"malfoy... stop that" i heard lorey.

"why? it's true, her mother is a bitch she ha-"

"SHUT UP!!!" i yelled.

"you just can't shut, can't you? sticking to other people's business like you fully know the story. should i just hex you instead?" i yelled.

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