chapter 12: family jewels

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Year 7, Winter 1995
Room of Requirement

"no, neville. focus on the grip and motion of the spell alright?"

"expelliarmus!" i chanted and disarmed him. i picked his wand up and gave it back.

"try again. you can do it! i believe you can" i said.

"expelliarmus!" he chanted and my wand flew away. we're shocked when he did it.

"oh my... you did it neville!" i said and pat his shoulder.

"try to master your patronus! think about the happiest memories you have, make it a strong one" i said and left him to pick up my wand.

i haven't got the chance to talk to my slytherin best friends. they are distant, i let them be and waited for them to finally tell me what's up.

i approached marceline who's teaching cho the patronus charm. my patronus is a polar bear, quite a big one if you ask.

"i'll head out first, i need a breather" i said and she pats my back.

i approached harry to say good bye. "harry, i'll head out first. the matron instructed me not to tire myself too much. let's head back tomorrow, together" i said and he nodded.

when i went outside, when i was heading back to the common room. i saw malfoy with my best friends. as far as i know, they are the members of the inquisitors club.

i stared at them blankly and i was about to head inside the common room.

"i bet she's pregnant with that gryffindor. my father-"

i punched draco on his nose.

"well, this 'pregnant' person you're pertaining to can kill you this very moment. shall i mail your father about your final moments here?" i said and stared at my friends.

"such low person you're hanging out with" i said and left.

i know that there's speculations of me being pregnant here, because i was caught vomiting at the bathroom. i sometimes rush out the classroom to vomit, but that was not the case. i do vomit but it was all blood. i don't know why unfortunately.

madam pomfrey checked me if i am pregnant, it came back negative. i am not sexually active either, maximillian knows his limits. all we do is hug.

i am afraid i might visit my aunt narcissa about this, since she was the first person who took me in when my mother died. maybe she has a clue.


"harry... i'll head out first. be sure you packed all your stuff, alright?" i said and he nodded.

"i packed all of it. thanks, mate" he said and i left with marceline and ginny.

"how do you feel about leaving hogwarts next year?" ginny asked us.

"well... i'll feel empty, hogwarts has been my home for 7 years." replied by marceline.

"i agree... even when i was a student at beauxbatons, can't help not to miss this place." i said.

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