chapter 24: skyfall

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One fine afternoon.

as i was mixing some calming draught, i was called on that patient 4 is looking for m

i went to their private room and picked up their charts.

"good afternoon, mrs. halloway. i'm severa" i looked at the woman and saw narcissa.

"or should i say mrs. malfoy? what help can i give you today?" i asked.

"he... he's coming for you. i've been hearing this plan that he will execute. he said he want you dead, as well as harry potter" she said and i saw that she was trembling.

"why does he want us dead?"

"you're no longer use since you gave birth to the possible heir. he wants you killed before the kid grows up" she said and i raised my eyebrows.

"why are you telling me this one? aren't you one of them as well?" i said.

"i did some terrible things... to you, to your mother, and my sister killed your beloved uncle. i think this is a way to payback" she said and i scoffed.

"you watched as your husband was hitting me when i was a kid. you watched him use crucio at me. you watched as that man you call your "lord" strangle me knowing i bear my child. why are you helping me now? why not back then?" i asked.

"i don't care if i'm in danger, or whether my kid is his possible heir. just don't come for my family. touch my husband, or my daughter i'd be sure it's the end of this bloodline" i said and i looked at the charts. i grabbed some draught and gave it to her.

"come back if you need real medical care. i appreciate you telling me about his plans but i don't care. tell him, he's a whole package of filth, i'm disgusted by his ways and i'll come for him myself"

i left the room and went back to mix some potions. i know getting mad will do me no good, but it's been years and she didn't even reached out even if she knows i'm under my father's care.

i sighed and i felt my headache.

after my shift, i went back to our house. i saw that it was empty.

"max?" i yelled and asked for him. i went upstairs and saw some deatheaters.

i put out my wand and searched for my husband and saw him sleeping at the bed with our daughter.

i stared at the deatheater, i recognized it was antonin dolohov.

he said that i should remain quiet. he's pointing his wand on my husband and child.

i bit my lower lip, as i am nervous of what he'll do.

he reached out for my hand and scoffed.

"sorry, darling" i said, i reached for his hand but i casted the disarming spell.

i kicked him out of the window and i heard my daughter crying.

i saw 2 snatchers.

"this is the stunt you'll do? pathetic like your leader" i said.

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