Darkness is beautiful

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After the whole agreement this afternoon I stayed all day at the cafe with my friends. When I told them the news they were happy but also sad. Happy because I was marrying a king and that never happens,the royal families never ask the lowly households to marry their families because they think we low. They happy because I was going to become a queen and that I will live a happy life.

The sad part is;they know how cruel the king is. There were stories told about him,our parents and grandparents would tell us bedtimes stories about his father how his used to kill his own wife on order to keep his thrown. It was a tradition, if you really love your kingdom and your wife you going to need to kill the one you love the most or else your title will be stripped by the council.

"This is bad." Amber said looking at her food as if it was made out of dough. "What if he kills you like how he's father killed his mother? Then what's gonna happen to your family?"

"Amber I'm not really worried about that;I just wanna get away from them and live a happy life even though it's in the dark. I'll make a way there's light in the dark." I smile knowing what I said is true.

If the king wants to repeat what he's father has done to his mother, I won't stop him because I'm tired of fighting for my life. I'm ready if he wants to end my life because I've been waiting for it the moment I finished my studies.

Ahsly takes my hand into hers. "Don't let a stupid man think he can control you even though he has all the power in his hands. Bring him down to his knees Noélle. If you going to be queen soon show him that you can be more than a queen." She quotes. "I'm not saying this because we think you might die,we all know how strong you are and what power you hold. I'm saying, don't let that man's darkness take over you because you are light."

"Ash is right Noélle, remember your name means Christmas and Christmas is the best holiday of the year. It brings families together and gives us light and hope for a better future." Amber adds in. "This won't be the last time you will be seeing us,more days,months and years are coming. We will be always be here if you need us."

Smiling at my two wonderful friends,I knew I chose the perfect once because without them I would've lost my mind and do crazy shit out on the streets. This won't be the last time I will be seeing them and I will make sure of that,even if the king won't allow me to come back and visit. I will make a way to visit them even if it meant that I'm putting my life on the line I'll make sure that they'll be the last people I see before I close my eyes.

"We going to miss you Noélle." Ash began crying,making all of us cry together.

We come together and make a group hug. A hug this filled with love,care,honesty, hope and loyalty.  Five words that can't break the three of us apart, nothing will ever break us apart. Not even the king will be able to break us apart because we are unbreakable and we will stay like this forever even it means we will die, we will die together.

"Come let's take you home. Your carriage might be waiting." Ash says,breaking the hug.

I nod my head and gather my things which is only my sling bag and my coat. I said my goodbyes to the owner of the cafe who's actually Mrs Parker and her daughter Lydia. I'm going to miss them as well,they make the best brownies and cheesecakes.

The three of us walking into the dark talking about the old times when we were still stupid teenagers sneaking out our houses just to hang out by the cliff to drink alcohol. How we used to throw stones on the roofs and run away like stupid kids that have no home and no life.

When the news came to my parents ears they grounded me and when father went out to meet his brother; mother would torture me and beat me until I'm unconscious. When father found out that mother was beating me almost to death he wanted to kill her himself but love blinded him. He only yelled at her and let her continue her doings with me whenever he wasn't in the house.

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