Training grounds

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Just a few minutes ago, I woke up with excruciating pain all over my body, making it a struggle to get out of bed. The agony started when I arrived at the palace, and intensified after a mysterious needle prick, whose perpetrator remained unknown to me. The memory of that fleeting moment, the slight pinch and the rush of agony that followed, made my skin crawl.

As Elara helped me into the training attire, I couldn't help but notice that it was more suited for a noblewoman than a warrior. The outfit consisted of a fitted, long-sleeved tunic made of a luxurious silk-blend fabric, adorned with intricate embroidery and subtle lace trim. The tunic was a deep, rich blue color and cinched at the waist with a delicate silver belt. Matching fitted breeches, also adorned with subtle embroidery, complemented the tunic, and my feet were slipped into soft, supple leather boots that reached just above my ankles. A crisp white undershirt and a pair of billowy sleeves added a touch of elegance to the overall ensemble, making me look more like a lady preparing for a ball than a warrior ready for combat training.

Elara's skilled hands quickly tamed my tangled locks, gathering them into a sleek, high ponytail that accentuated my slender neck and emphasized my delicate features. A few stray strands framed my face, softening the severity of the style, while a small, elegant silver clip secured any stray wisps, completing the polished, refined look that seemed at odds with the idea of rigorous training.

"Your training ensemble is complete," Elara announced, her voice crisp and professional.

I expressed my gratitude, meeting Elara's gaze in the mirror as I said, "Thank you, Elara."

The door swung open and General Lucas entered, his imposing figure clad in a practical yet comfortable training outfit, a stark contrast to my own elegant attire, his worn leather armor and scuffed boots a testament to his many years of rigorous training and combat experience.

General Lucas bowed his head slightly, his deep voice firm and respectful as he addressed me, "My lady, I'm here to escort you to the training grounds. The men are already underway with their laps, and we don't want to keep them waiting." His eyes, a piercing blue, held a hint of a challenge, as if daring me to be late.

With a subtle nod, I stood up from my seat and trailed behind General Lucas as he led me out of the palace and onto the sun-drenched training field, where a sea of men in various states of exertion were pounding the earth, their footsteps thundering in unison as they ran laps around the perimeter, their sweat-glistened faces set in determined lines.

My eyes fixed on the runners, I inquired, "What's the extent of their warm-up, General? How many laps are they running?"

"The men are running five laps, my lady," General Lucas replied, his voice firm and steady, "a modest warm-up, but sufficient to prepare them for the trials ahead."

I gave a slight nod, my gaze still fixed on the men as they rounded the final bend, their faces set in determined lines, sweat-drenched and flushed from exertion, yet pushing on with a collective resolve that was almost palpable.

"Drop and give me twenty!" General Lucas barked, his voice echoing across the training field, the familiar command prompting an instant response from the men.

The men dropped to the ground in unison, their movements a testament to their rigorous training, as they swiftly assumed the position and began to execute perfectly formed push-ups, their grunts and heavy breathing filling the air as they counted out loud, "One! Two! Three!" in a chorus of discipline and strength.

General Lucas's gaze shifted, his eyes locking onto a figure approaching from the distance, a woman with a confident stride and an air of authority, her features a striking blend of strength and elegance. "And here comes my sister, Lady Tamia," he said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, "also a General, but I'm the one who wears the mantle of leadership." His voice was laced with a mix of affection and pride as he nodded towards the woman, whose piercing eyes seemed to gleam with a fierce inner light.

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