Pawn in the game of power

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My father's presence was a festering wound, and his words were the salt that inflamed my fury. I didn't care that Noélle was caught in the crossfire - she was nothing but a pawn in the game of power. My only concern was crushing my father's insolence, and I would stop at nothing to achieve it. Noélle's safety was irrelevant; my throne was all that mattered.

The castle's grandeur seemed to echo with the silence of the departed guests, the remaining royals retiring to their chambers, their distant kingdoms making the night's stay a necessity. The soft glow of candles and the occasional hushed conversation were the only remnants of the evening's grandeur, as the castle's inhabitants succumbed to the weight of fatigue, unaware of the darkness brewing in the shadows.

Lucas approached me with a bow. "Your Majesty, Lady Noélle is safely in her room."

I nodded curtly, my expression unyielding, as I acknowledged Lucas's report. "See that she remains there, undisturbed," I commanded, my voice low and even, before turning to dismiss him with a slight wave of my hand, my mind already consumed by the schemes and strategies that would ensure my father's downfall.

I strode out of the vacant ballroom, the echoes of my footsteps a stark contrast to the lively music that had filled the space just hours before, and made my way to the solitude of my office, where the weight of my responsibilities awaited me in the form of scattered documents and unfinished papers.

As I sifted through the papers on my desk, my mind wandered back to the fleeting moment when Noélle's trembling hand touched my chest, her attempt to soothe my rage leaving an indelible mark on my thoughts, refusing to be dismissed by the mundane tasks at hand.

The memory of Noélle's terrified gaze lingered in my mind, her eyes wide with fear as my father appeared, and I recalled the way her slender body trembled in my grasp, her hand shaking within mine as I held her waist, a subtle yet palpable reminder of her vulnerability.

The thought solidified in my mind: Noélle's weakness was a liability, her fear of me and my father a defect I couldn't afford in a queen. But it mattered little, for she was merely a means to an end - a vessel to bear me an heir, nothing more. Her feelings, her fears, were inconsequential.

The memory of that fateful day still seared my soul, the image of my father's hands ripping my mother's heart from her chest etched into my mind like a scar. I was just sixteen when he brutally slaughtered her before my eyes, and in that moment, something within me died. My heart froze, my emotions withered, and I transformed into the cold, calculating beast I am today.

A burning hatred had consumed me since that fateful day, fueling an unrelenting desire to take my father's life with my own hands. The thought of wringing the life from his body, of watching him suffer as he had made me suffer, had become an all-consuming obsession, driving me to bide my time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

I possess the power and strength to end his life instantly, but first, I want to reveal to him the monster he has created in me, to let him witness the full extent of the beast he has forged.

A knock at the door broke my reverie, and I barked, "Enter!" Elara slipped into the room, her eyes cast downward, her face a mask of guilt.

I rose from my throne-like chair, my movements deliberate and menacing, and circled around the desk to confront Elara. My eyes bore into hers, searching for any hint of deception. "Elara," I hissed, my voice low and deadly, "what secrets are you hiding behind that guilty gaze?"

"My lord," Elara whispered, her voice trembling with dread, "I omitted a crucial detail... Lady Noélle bore a grievous wound on her arm, a gruesome souvenir from the flash eaters' attack, before the ball commenced. But when I attended to her preparations, the wound had vanished, leaving only an unsettling perfection in its wake."

The thought crossed my mind, but I couldn't muster the slightest concern: Noélle's fate, whether she'd fallen prey to the flash eaters or not, was of no consequence to me.

"And there's more," Elara's voice barely above a whisper, her words dripping with foreboding, "I discovered Lady Noélle on the floor, her body limp and lifeless, yet her skin was unblemished, devoid of even a single scratch, as if the very darkness itself had claimed her."

"Elara, what is it that you want me to do?" I snarled, my patience worn thin, "Lady Noélle is nothing but a vessel, a means to an end, a mere pawn in my game of power - her fate is of no consequence, so long as she produces an heir to secure my legacy."

"My heir will not be tainted by her weakness," I spat, my disdain for Noélle evident in my tone, "She's not worthy to bear the title of queen, to sit beside me on the throne, or to share in my power."

Elara trembled, her eyes wide with terror, as I revealed my ruthless plan: "Noélle may ascend to the throne as my queen, but only until she serves her purpose - the moment she delivers an heir, her fate will be sealed, and she will be... disposed of."

"Keep your distance, Elara," I warned, my voice laced with venom, "for once Noélle has fulfilled her duty and borne me an heir, she will be nothing more than a disposable pawn, cast aside like the insignificant, useless thing she is."

"Yes, my lord," Elara whispered, her voice barely audible, trembling with a mix of fear and resignation, as she bowed her head in submission to my ruthless decree.

"Leave now, Elara," I commanded, my voice dripping with malice, as I pointed a stern finger at her, "and remember, if even a whisper of my plan reaches Noélle's ears, your life will be forfeit - do I make myself clear?" I asked, my gaze piercing through her like a deadly blade.

"Yes, my lord," Elara repeated, her voice laced with fear, before she turned and fled my office with haste, the soft rustle of her skirts and the quiet click of the door the only sounds that remained as she disappeared from my sight.

The thought echoed in my mind, a cold, calculated conviction: Noélle was nothing more than a means to an end, a mere pawn to be used and discarded at my whim, her fate a trivial matter, inconsequential to my ultimate goal of power and domination.

The memory of the arrangement flashed in my mind, a calculated move to secure my legacy: I had accepted Noélle's hand in marriage solely for the purpose of producing an heir, a strategic decision to further my own ambitions, not driven by love, affection, or even remote interest in the woman herself.

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