Bound by Duty, Divided by Pride

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As I slowly opened my eyes, the warm sunlight streaming through the window made me squint. But it was the sight beside me that made my heart skip a beat. Kian, the man who had been distant and cold, was lying next to me, his face mere inches from mine. I felt a jolt of fear, my mind racing with questions. How did he end up here? Why was he so close? I tried to move away, but my body seemed paralyzed. His peaceful expression, so different from his usual stern demeanor, only made me more uneasy. I was trapped, and my breath came in short gasps as I struggled to process what was happening.

"Easy, Noélle, you're going to give yourself a heart attack if you keep racing like that," Kian's deep, morning-rough voice rumbled, his eyes still closed as if savoring the last remnants of sleep, yet somehow sensing the turmoil brewing beside him.

What in the world is Kian doing in my bed and in my private chambers? I demanded, trying to keep my tone steady, "You should be attending to your royal duties, not lounging in my bed, Your Majesty."

As Elara entered my room, her eyes widened in surprise, and she swiftly bowed her head, "Apologies for not knocking," she murmured, her gaze fixed on the floor, clearly taken aback by the sight of Kian and me together in bed.

"What's going on, Elara? Is there something you need to tell Noélle or me?" Kian asked, his deep voice tinged with a hint of curiosity and a touch of annoyance.

Elara's voice trembled slightly as she spoke, her head still bowed in deference, "I-I came to inform my lady, Noélle, that a grand festival is to be held in the kingdom, Your Majesty... with your permission, I was hoping to discuss the preparations with her."

Kian let out a low groan as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, his movements fluid despite his obvious fatigue. He was still dressed in his formal royal attire, the intricate embroidery and velvet fabric rumpled from a night spent sleeping in them, giving him a disarmingly disheveled look.

"Get me a comfortable training outfit, I plan to train the ladies before attending the festival." Noélle command

"Yes, my lady," Elara replied, before hurrying off to fetch the comfortable training attire and also arrange for a warm bath to be drawn, anticipating my need to refresh myself before the day's activities.

I stepped into the warm bath, feeling the soothing water envelop me as I washed away the slumber. Afterwards, I emerged refreshed, and Elara was there to assist me, dressing me in the comfortable training outfit and gathering my hair into a neat, low ponytail, her skilled hands moving with quiet efficiency.

As I emerged from the palace, I made my way directly to the training field, where a sea of women awaited my arrival. The air was alive with chatter and anticipation. Across the field, Lucas stood at the center of a cluster of men, his voice rising above the din as he issued instructions and guidance, his presence commanding attention.

"My lady!" Lucas exclaimed, his voice carrying across the field as he jogged towards me, his face set in a determined expression. He had just finished giving orders to the men, who were now circling the field at a steady pace, their footsteps pounding out a rhythmic beat on the earth. Lucas's eyes locked onto mine as he approached, his gaze burning with a fierce intensity.

Lucas halted before me, slightly out of breath from his jog, and nodded his head in the direction of the gathered women, "Here are the women you asked for, my lady," he said, his voice firm and professional, his eyes still fixed intently on mine. The women, sensing our attention, fell silent, their eyes turning towards me with a mix of curiosity and nervous anticipation.

As I walked towards the group of women, a warm smile spread across my face, and Lucas followed closely behind me, his presence a reassuring constant. "Good morning, ladies," I greeted them, my voice friendly and approachable. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you all." The women returned my smile, some looking a bit awestruck, others seeming to relax in my presence, as they exchanged quiet morning greetings and curtsies, their eyes shining with a mix of excitement and nerves.

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