Former king.

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My parents lingered in the shadows, their faces pale and drawn, their eyes fixed on me with a mix of fear and uncertainty, their presence barely perceptible as they wisely chose to remain silent.

As I mingled with the royals, the King stood across the room, engaged in conversation with a group of nobles, his commanding presence drawing attention despite his focused demeanor.

A sharp, fleeting pain pricked my skin, like the swift sting of a needle, but as I spun around to confront the culprit, I found myself surrounded by oblivious faces, each person engrossed in their own conversations, leaving me wondering if the sensation had been mere imagination.

I offered a courteous smile and a brief apology, "Sorry, I'll be right back," before taking my leave from the noble ladies, their curious gazes following me as I stepped away.

With my head bowed and my pace deliberate, I approached the King, who was engaged in a heated discussion with the men surrounding him, their voices hushed but their body language tense, their eyes flashing with intensity as they spoke.

The King's face was a picture of unbridled fury, his eyes blazing with a fierce intensity, his jaw clenched and his lips snarled, giving him the appearance of a ferocious beast unleashed, as he thundered words at the men around him.

My feet seemed to root themselves to the spot as I beheld the King's terrifying visage, his un contained rage sending a shiver down my spine, my heart racing with a growing sense of fear, my breath catching in my throat as I hesitated, unsure of whether to approach him or flee.

General Lucas's expression transformed from curiosity to concern as he noticed my frozen stance and horrified expression, prompting him to stride towards me with a sense of urgency, his voice low and gentle as he inquired, "My lady, is everything alright?"

I wrenched my gaze away from the King's intimidating form and turned to General Lucas, forcing a weak smile as I whispered, "I don't feel so well, I think I'll excuse myself and retire to my bed," the words tumbling out in a hurried, unconvincing lie, but the General's kind eyes showed only concern, not suspicion.

With a courteous bow, General Lucas nodded and said, "I'll summon Elara to escort you back to your room," before turning to stride away, his voice calling out for the lady-in-waiting as he disappeared into the crowd, leaving me to breathe a sigh of relief at the prospect of escaping the tense atmosphere.

The grand ballroom doors burst open with a dramatic flourish, as if pushed by an invisible hand, and a gust of wind swept in, rustling the fine silks and velvets of the assembled courtiers, while the guard's voice boomed out, his words dripping with gravity, "The former king has arrived," the announcement hanging in the air like a challenge, as all eyes turned towards the entrance.

A chill ran down my spine as the atmosphere in the ballroom seemed to plummet to icy depths, the air thickening with tension, as whispers and gasps rippled through the crowd, and the faces around me reflected a mix of shock, fear, and unease, their eyes darting nervously towards the King, whose expression had darkened to a malevolent scowl, his gaze fixed intently on the newcomer, his jaw clenched in rage, while I stood frozen, still unaware of the name of the man I was betrothed to, but acutely aware of the storm brewing around us.

With a swift motion, the King pivoted on his heel and strode purposefully towards me, his long legs eating up the distance, his face a mask of controlled fury, his eyes blazing with a fierce intensity that made my heart skip a beat, as he speed-walked towards me with a sense of urgency, his movements commanding attention, and I stood frozen, unsure of what to expect, as he loomed closer and closer, his presence suffocating.

With a surprising gentleness, the King's hand wrapped around my waist, his fingers intertwining with the fabric of my gown, pulling me close to his side, as if staking a claim, his touch sending a shiver down my spine, just as his father, the former king, stepped into the ballroom, his eyes scanning the room with a piercing gaze, his presence commanding attention, and the air seemed to vibrate with tension, as the two men locked eyes, their complicated history and animosity palpable, like a challenge, or a warning.

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