Eyes on me

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Elara stepped back, her eyes scanning my face with a critical gaze, her brow furrowed in concentration. She nodded to herself, seemingly satisfied with her handiwork, before turning to the gown laid out on the bed. "Your dress, my lady," she said, her voice soft and deferential, as she lifted the delicate fabric and began to help me into it. The silk rustled softly as she fastened the intricate laces, her fingers moving with practiced ease. I felt a sense of detachment, as if I was a doll being dressed for display, but Elara's gentle touch and reassuring presence made the experience more bearable.

As Elara placed the pink tiara on my head, I felt a strange sense of discomfort, the unfamiliar weight and sensation of the delicate metal and gems on my forehead and hair making me twitch slightly. I had never worn a tiara before, and the feeling of it perched atop my head, sparkling and shimmering in the light, was both thrilling and unsettling. I reached up instinctively to touch it, my fingers brushing against the intricate design, and Elara gently caught my hand, smiling reassuringly. "You look stunning, my lady," she said, her eyes shining with sincerity. "The tiara suits you perfectly." I hesitated, still feeling a bit self-conscious, but Elara's words helped to ease my doubts.

As I descended the grand staircase, the murmur of conversations and the soft strains of music grew louder, and my nerves began to flutter like birds in my chest. The palace's opulent foyer was filled with a sea of familiar and unfamiliar faces, all dressed in their finest attire, their eyes turning towards me as I made my entrance. I could feel the weight of their gazes, the expectation and curiosity, and my palms grew damp with sweat. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart, and forced a serene smile onto my face, pretending to be confident and composed, when in reality, I was trembling inside. General Lucas, resplendent in his formal uniform, stepped forward to offer me his arm, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled, and I gratefully accepted, letting him lead me into the fray.

The king's piercing gaze seemed to bore into my very soul, his eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that made my breath catch in my throat. I felt like a small, trapped animal, unable to look away or escape the weight of his scrutiny. My heart skipped a beat as our eyes met, and I could feel the room around me melting away, leaving only the two of us, suspended in a sea of tension. General Lucas's arm, still tucked in mine, seemed to be the only thing keeping me upright, as my knees threatened to buckle under the king's unyielding stare. I tried to smile, to nod in acknowledgement, but my lips felt frozen, my movements stiff and jerky, as I struggled to maintain a semblance of composure under the king's unrelenting gaze.

As General Lucas guided me across the room, my heart galloped in my chest, each step echoing through my mind like a drumbeat. The king's gaze never wavered, his eyes fixed on me with an unnerving intensity, making my skin prickle with unease. I could feel the weight of his expectation, the pressure to perform, to be the perfect betrothed, and my breath came in short, shallow gasps. My hand tightened around General Lucas's arm, as if clinging to a lifeline, as we approached the throne-like chair where the king sat, his presence seeming to fill the entire space. The room around us fell silent, the only sound the soft rustle of fabric and the pounding of my heart, as we reached the king's side, and General Lucas bowed, releasing my arm, leaving me alone and vulnerable before the monarch.

The king's rugged features were softened by the finery of his royal attire, his broad shoulders and powerful build accentuated by the tailored fit of his coat. The gold embroidery and precious gems adorning his clothing sparkled in the light, casting a regal glow around him. His piercing eyes, though still intense, seemed to hold a hint of warmth, and his strong jawline was relaxed, giving him an air of approachability. I could see why many women in the ballroom would be drawn to him, captivated by the aura of power and masculinity that surrounded him like an invisible cloak. Even I, despite my reservations and doubts, couldn't help but feel a flutter in my chest as he rose from his seat, his eyes locked on mine, and a small, enigmatic smile played on his lips.

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