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His suit is impeccably cut, hugging his frame and highlighting his broad shoulders. The midnight blue of his suite looks incredible on him and the first few buttons of his dress shirt are undone. Im pretty sure that every womans knees would get weak at this sight. At least that's what I tell myself when I approach him. Something about this man is so intimating but also comforting that it is severely confusing. I can feel my skin heat up when his eyes trail over my body and back up to my face. He is giving me a lazy smile, and I try hard not to already blush. In return, I give him an acknowledging smile and a small nod as a greeting when I sit down. My eyes land on a glass, and to my surprise, he is drinking beer. Well, it is not a big surprise, but given our location, I would have thought he would drink something like burbon or whiskey.

I guess you can take the man out of Austria, but not Austria out of the man.

''You look wonderful tonight''

Getting complimented by Toto twice in one day also wasnt on my 2024 Bingo list but after yesterday, I can throw it out the window anyway.

''I can say the same about you''

He chuckles lightly and it feels good to have made him laugh

''Well, thank you very much. Would you like to drink something?''

I turn towards the bar, trying to find a menu or a bottle I recognize, and I am greeted with what I assume is a very attentive bartender.

''Do you have any wines you can recommend?

The bartender turns around and grabs a bottle of Clio. It is a spanish, more on the fruity side, wine that is very light and Elegant. So perfect for the occasion

''I recommend this one, it is not the most expensive one but it is very tasteful and light''

''Yes, I actually know it. Is it 2020?''

''Yes, it is, Would you rather have the 2021?''

''No, no This one is perfect Thank you, I'll take a glass''

I turn back to Toto while she is filling me a glass. His eyes are still bound to the bottle she is holding and when she puts the glass down next to me, he looks back up.

''Is it just me or do you understand something about wines?''

I laugh

''You could say so''

Toto is still staring at me with a confused look that leads me to clarify further

''My grandfather loves wine and when I was younger, he always told me about them and let me smell them. When I finally was legally allowed to drink, he would show me all kinds of wines and I guess along the way I turned into a wine enthusiast myself.''

''I bet hed be pretty proud seeing you talk about wine''

I snicker, holding up my glass and taking a sip. The taste of dark fruits and spices rush over my tongue, and I can feel the smooth texture slip down my throat as I swallow. Clio was one of the first wines I ever got to drink after I turned 16 (the legal age to drink wine and beer where Mila is from). It was actually at Christmas with my other grandfather, which does love wine but not as much as the other. Sometimes I miss him.

''Im sure he would be but lets talk business"

Toto chuckles and turns fully towards me

"Yes, right, so as you know, I think you are very talented . Now you got fired, which means you will not be able to get f1 news firsthand."

He is right, but I have no idea what he is trying to say

"I would like to offer you a small Job where you are my writer, for things like statements or if I have to answer interviews questions. You would be working close to my side and my assistant, aswell as with the Media team sometimes"

Fast Lanes and Headlines - Toto WolffWhere stories live. Discover now