Rumors and black out

364 19 1

''You look beautiful, Mila''

Lewis is standing infront of me. As always, perfectly dressed and looking gorgeous. I think we are all aware that Lewis knows what fashion is.

''thank you, Lewis''

He takes my hand and leads me into the car. He insisted on getting me in front of my hotel. prompt, there was paparazi. From both sides cameras flash and I am relieved when the door closes.

"You ready for the race?"
I look at Lewis next to me

"Youre the one driving! You tell me"

He laugs and starts the motor. His Mercedes AG gt comes to life and we drive off

"Yes, Im ready"

Thank god. Toto probably would have put it on me.
I remember his reaction from yesterday in the elevator. We hardly said goodbye before he disappeared down the hallway. Something like disappointment was all that was left after I entered the room but I was too exhausted to care more. The moment my head had hit the pillow, I was gone.

"So working for Toto, huh?"

Jeez does he read minds?

"Uh yeaa I guess"

"You know he can be a bit cold sometimes but hes also very friendly and funny. Don't be too intimidated by him"

I know all these things about him but still, it is hard not too be when he is towering over you and hardly says a word. During our drink, I was sure from then on it was going to change but now that he is also my boss, I feel like it's getting worse.

"I will try"

We chat for the rest of the drive and I hardly notice when we are there. Talking to Lewis is easy. He is a good conversationalist, and it doesn't really get boring or awkward.

He insists on opening the door for me so I let him. The Miami air is always hotter than I imagine and the heat presses against my skin. If I wasn't so hyper-aware of people looking at us, I might even enjoy myself. While Lewis is getting ready, I walk along the paddock for a while. Here and there, I see some familiar faces and for a while, I even talk to Toto's assistant. She is really friendly but she looks weirdly troubled and she has been for the last few days. However, she congratulates me on my job and tells me she is excited to work with me. She goes on to talk about her duties, which are, according to her, important for me to know in case she gets sick and I have to take over for a while. Over all, she is a delight and I can see why Toto hired her. Smart woman. Minutes later, she already rushes off again for some new task.

I turn back around to walk to the Mercedes garage when I almost walk into someone.

"Oh Im so sorry"

I look up and I freeze. Its Walt. My ex-boss.
Walt looks about as confused as I do and then he looks at my paddock badge

"I thought we took that off of you?"
Rude much

"You did and good afternoon to you too"
Irony and a bit of anger roll of my tongue

"Mila what are you still doing here"

He seems stressed about my presence and given I know one of the companies biggest secrets, Im not very shocked. More shocking is the way he is treating me, even though I know so much. Walt has never been my favourite person but I hardly ever had to do with him unless he was unhappy with my articles.

"I hired her"

I turn around at the sudden stern voice and my eyes go wide. Toto Wolff is standing behind me. He looks like he does most days, so he is looks incredibly handsome and in his hand he carries a bag.

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