Chapter 23

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Katniss' POV
I wandered the cells, Finnick by my side. Many held prisoners that had defied Dendrite, the ones living we let escape and I'll let you now that not many of them were living. Many offered to help, one leading us to where Peeta and Johanna were.
"Peeta!" I cry out, holding the bars of the cell as it was opened. He rubs to me, hugging me tightly. I hug him back, seeing Johanna holding herself from over his shoulder. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying and she kept her hand on her swollen belly. I felt a pang of guilt hit me, she'd lost the one person she loved. I don't know what I'd do without peeta and I never want to know. I plant a gentle kiss on Peeta's cheek before I walk over to Johanna.
"Johanna? Are you alright?" I ask, genuinely worried about her.
"I-it hurts." She mumbles, signaling to her baby bump. Could sonething be wrong with her child.
"Okay, come on. We'll get to a doctor." I take her hand and help her stand "The baby will be okay." I hear her sniffling and watch her tears fall. This was a side of her I'd never seen, she was a mother know and all she wanted was for was her unborn child to be okay.
We walked through the halls, past cells for hours. It was like a maze. But we'd gained a large group of prisoners. Peeta said we were practically building an army in an endless maze.
"We'll be out soon." Finnick insists.
"Then what are we supposed to do?" Peeta asks. "We can't just run, Johanna needs to get to a doctor."
"There's a hover craft waiting to take you into the outskirts woods of 13. There's a large camp with medics that can help her." Finnick explains as we climb a metal ladder on the side of a wall, pushing open a latch. I'm almost knocked off the ladder when the bright light of day shines in, something I hadn't seen in a while. I continue the climb out, following Finnick to the hover craft. Just when the path aboard the craft lowers an alarm sounds and guards appear with guns from everywhere. That's when the pushing and shoving to get aboard begins, the 50 freed prisoners plus Peeta, Johanna, Finnick and I all being shoved around to make our escape onto the craft.
"Go! Go! Go!" Finnick commands, filing us on as gun shots rang out the door aboard began to close, leaving Peeta, Finnick, I and others scrambling to get aboard. I feel Peeta lifting me by the waist and pushing my aboard as the hover craft starts to lift off the ground. I turn to pull him up but that when I realize it's too late.
The door has closed and we have taken off.
I scramble to a window, pushing through crowds. I see the blonde boy trying to fight off soldiers when I swear I hear the gun that fired the bullet into him.



~Avalon Parker

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