Chapter 4

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(Peter and May were at a Thai restaurant. "What's the matter? Thought you loved larb." May says, "Not larby enough. How many times do I have to say 'larb' before you talk to me? You know I larb you.")

"Hey Nat. I larb you." Says Clint. Natasha rolled her eyes but smiles.

"Wow, I have barely ever seen you joke around Clint. You're always serious." Kate says and all of the original Avengers burst out laughing. "Clint. Serious." Natasha says with disbelief.

("I'm just stressed. The internship, and I'm tired. A lot of work." Peter says and May says that she's not a fan of Tony and how he's got Peter in his own head and distracted.)

"Ouch." Says Tony. "You should know by now that you can't please everyone, Tony." Says Pepper.

(A news report plays on the TV. Peter listens in while also listening to May. "The beloved Queen's establishment, Delmar's Sandwiches, was destroyed..." "What does he have you doing?" " an explosion..." "You need to use your instincts." She then turns to listen to the reporter talk about Spider-Man's fight with the robbers. "If you see something like that happening, you turn and run the other way.")

"Yeah he's definitely gonna do that." Carol said sarcastically.

("Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course." "Six blocks away." "I...uh...I need a new backpack." May looks at him in disbelief. "That's five.")

"You lost five backpacks over the course of two months." Says Hope, mirroring May's expression. "I was more careful after I lost that one." Peter says sheepishly.

(A waiter comes over and gives May a dish. "Sticky rice pudding." "Oh, we didn't order that." "It's on the house." He winks and then leaves.)

"Does that happen a lot?" Kate asks and at Peter's nod says, "That's annoying."

("Oh! Thanks. That's nice of him." May says. "I think he larbs you." Peter jokes and May points at herself with an exaggerated look of surprise. The next morning Peter and Ned are walking down the street. "You got bit by a spider? Can it bite me? Well, it would probably hurt, right? Even if it did hurt, I'd let it bite me. Maybe. How much did it hurt?" Ned asked.)

"It hurt a lot." Said Peter, "The sickness that followed was even worse."

("The spider's dead Ned." Said Peter. The two then see the destroyed sandwich shop. "You were here?" "Yeah." "You could've died.")

Tony swallowed hard knowing that that wasn't the worst thing Peter went through during the whole fiasco.

    ("Do you lay eggs?" Ned suddenly asks. "What? No." Peter says.)

    "By the way do your webs come out of your wrists," America asks, "and/or your butt?" Everyone laughs while Peter looks at her horrified. "No!"

    (In chemistry. "Can you spit venom?" "No." "Can you summon an army of spiders." "No, Ned.")

    "I can do that." Says Scott.

    Bruce sighed, "He may be whispering but that's still a very bad place to be discussing this."

    (In history. "How far can you shoot your webs?" "It's unknown. Shut up." "If I was you, I would stand on the edge of a building and just shoot it as far as I could-" "Shut up, Ned." Peter's voice rises in volume and the girl in front of them turns around to look at them.)

    "A very bad place." Said Pepper, agreeing with Bruce's statement.

    (An old TV was set up beside Coach Wilson in the gym. Captain America's Fitness Challenge was playing on the screen. Cap is standing in a locker room in full uniform. "Hi. I'm Captain America. Whether you're in the classroom or on the battlefield...")

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