Chapter 8

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(Time seems to have passed and the truck shakes to a stop, waking Peter up. "Oh, my head." "You appear to have a mild concussion." Says the A.I. as Peter stands up with a hand on his head. "Hey so where am I now?" "I'm not sure. The container walls are hindering my sensors." "Wait a minute. They must have hijacked the truck and taken me to their evil lair. Okay, suit lady. We're gonna have to fight our way out." He prepares himself to burst through the metal doors.)

    There was both nervous and excited energy in the room as they waited for the fight to begin.

    ("3,2,1!" He smashes through the doors, and finds himself alone in a huge warehouse full of large containers.)

    "Well that was anticlimactic." Says Clint, "Nice work smashing the doors though, I think Hulk would approve."

    ("What is this place? Suit lady, where am I?" "You're in the most secure facility on the Eastern Seaboard. The Damage Control Deep Storage Vault.")

    "Seriously?!" Scott asks. Peter chuckles and points to the screen.

    ("No. Seriously?")

    Everyone chuckles and Peter says to Scott, "Seriously."

    (Peter puts both hands on his head, shocked. DODC-V05 is written on the wall. Time has passed. Peter is clinging to the horizontal crack of the massive doors as he tries to wedge them open.)

    "You are very strong little spider but not that strong." Natasha says.

    "What does that mean?" Peter asks and she smiles

    "Little spider." Nat answers and Peter blushes.

    ("The door will most likely remain closed until morning." Says the A.I. and Peter kicks the door. "Morning?")

    Everyone groans. "I knew it." Says Sam, "Can we just skip to when he gets out?" He gets his answer when the movie continues playing, still showing Peter in the warehouse.

    (Peter is lying on a hammock made out of webs. "Hey, suit lady, I kind of feel bad just calling you 'suit lady,' you know? I think I should probably give you a Liz. No, no, no. God, that's...that's weird." He is swinging on a web and let's go, dropping to the floor and lying down. "What about Karen?")

    "That's perfect." Kamala says, "It's like Plankton's wife from SpongeBob."

    "Huh. I didn't think about that." Peter lied. He totally did.

    ("You can call me Karen if you like." Peter reads a book while hanging upside down by a web. "Hey, Karen, what else can this suit do?" Wings expand from under his arms.)

    "Those are so cool." America says, "Those should've been there the whole time."

    ("Whoa." Standing in front of an empty wall, Peter is now wearing his academic decathlon blazer over his suit. He is examining the web shooter options. "Maybe we should run that refresher course.")

    "Good idea." Says Rhodey, "Pass the time and learn how to use the suit."

    (Karen says the names of the web options as Peter tests them out. "Ricochet web." He shoots a web at the wall and it immediately bounces back. He ducks to dodge it. Later, the wall is now covered with patches of spiderwebs. "Splitter web." He fires two web strands. More time has passed and the wall is even messier. "Web grenade." He jumps and throws a small metal ball filled with webbing. It explodes and covers the wall even more.)

    "That's amazing." Steve says impressed, "Those aren't permanent though, right?"

    "They're not." Peter and Tony answer.

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