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Day two of Iguro on a mission with Mitsuri. Y/n was making a flower crown for Hinatsuru. Y/n woke up early as normal. Her and Koba were enjoying the morning air. Everyone else was asleep. Y/n stayed quiet as she saw the sun coming up over the trees. As y/n was watching the sun. Her Mr. Butterfly came into view. She smiled as the butterfly landed on her nose. Y/n giggled as the butterfly flew away once again.
"Aww, don't go" she followed the butterfly. Koba sighed to himself. As he stayed on y/ns shoulder and wondered. Who she was gonna see next. As y/n kept on walking. The butterfly had landed on a house. Y/n tilted her head and went up to the house. It wasn't the Uzuis or Sanemis. Y/n knocked on the door. Y/n waited for the door to open, but she didn't hear any footsteps. She knocked again, and this time. She heard the footsteps. Y/n waited patiently for the person to open up the door.

The door opened slowly, and it revealed Tomioka. Tomioka looked around but stopped as he heard a voice.
"Hello Tomi" He looked down to see Y/n. He raised a brow. As he peeked outside to see no one behind her.
"Are you lost?" He asked, looking down at her. Y/n shook her head.
"No" she smiled. Tomioka hummed as he turned his back to her.
"Can I stay with you?" She asked. Tomioka tensed as that. He looked back down at her as she had pleading eyes.
"Please" she put the puppy dog eyes. Tomioka sighed in defeat at the puppy dog eyes. He stepped aside as the girl giggled her way into the house. The house wasn't much. Tomioka walked back to his spot where he sat. He went back to meditating in the quiet. He sat crossed and legged and closed his eyes. His breathing went back to calm. The calmness was soon disturbed as our little cutie put the flower crown that was meant for Hinatsuru. She put it on top of his head. Tomioka opened one eye and looked down at y/n.

She giggled and sat in front of him.
"You look like a prince" she smiled. Tomioka gently reached out and grabbed the flower crown. He looked down at it as it was a little messes. A flash went through his mind of a certain girl. Tomioka shook his head and looked down at y/n. She had her eyes on him. The two stared at each other. Tomioka gently reached out and put the flower crown on top of y/ns head. It fell a little, but y/n giggled and fixed it.
"Your more suited for royalty, Princess y/n" Tomioka smiled a little. Y/n smiled as she got up off the ground.
"Does that mean you're my knight?" Tomioka sighed and chuckled a little.
"Sure" Y/n smiled widened.
"Yayy. Let's play" With that, the two played until sunset. Tomioka let her stay the night. He thought about taking y/n back to one of the other Hashiras in the morning.

As the water, Hashira went to sleep. Y/n was still wide awake. She pouted as she got up still in her pjs. Koba stretched and yawned as he saw his owners walk out of the room. He panicked and quickly followed her. Y/n rubbed her eyes and went outside. Koba ran up to her and climbed onto her shoulder. He squealed out a sound to the young girl.
"It's ok, Koba" the girl smiled and continued to walk outside. Koba shook under Y/ns hair. Y/n giggled as she went into the forest. She saw a log that was like a bridge of the water. Y/n climbed on to the log and stood on top of it. She giggled as she balanced her way across the log, but what she didn't know that the log was slippery.

Y/n laughed more as she continued down the log. She took one last step and felt her leg slip. She gasped as she tried to stable her self on the log. Y/n felt her body fall off the log as she screamed. Y/n closed her eyes, getting ready for the ground, but let never come. She felt strong arms around her body. She opened her eyes and saw glowing yellow and blue eyes. Symbols were in the eyes of the figure. The figure jumped and landed a bit farther away from the little river. The figure put y/n down as she looked up at him.
"Thank you, Mister," she smiled. The figure looked down at y/n and then walked away. Y/n frowned a little and followed the figure. She noticed that he was only wearing pants and a tank top. She questioned herself.
"Excuse me?" She tried to catch up to the figure. The figure didn't stop.
"What's your name?" She asked, climbing over a little log. She went up behind him but bumped into his legs. The figure turned around and bent down to her level.

At that time, the moon shined bright. She gasped as she saw the figure. The figure had lines all over his body and face. Along with pink hair. Y/n gently and slowly reached out towards the figures face. The figure gently grabbed her hand for her to stop.
"My name is Akaza, and please stop following me" he got up and was about to walk away. Until y/ns little hand stopped him.
"Why?" She tilted her head. He sighed and started to walk with her still on his hand.
"You shouldn't be out here. Demons will come and eat you"
"But I have you to protect me, Aza."
"It's Akaza, not Aza" Y/n nodded and held on to his hand tighter.

Akaza stopped walking as he heard a noise from a bush. He gently pushed Y/n behind him.
"What's wrong?" She asked, holding on to his pants. Akazas eyes narrowed as he felt the presence of another demon.
"My, my, my Akaza" the demon showed himself in the moonlight. Akaza clenched his fists at the upper moon, two demon.
"What are you doing here Domua?" Y/n hid behind Akaza more and hid her face in his pants. Domua leaned to the side and saw Y/n.
"Who's this little cutie?" He licked his lips.
"None of your business. Now go away" he gritted through his teeth. Domua pouted and vanished into thin air. Y/n gasped as she held tighter to Akaza.
"My, my. You are very small for your age" Y/n yelped and jumped. As she turned to see Domua.
Akaza kicked Domuas head as he picked up Y/n.
"Back off Domua" Y/n hid her face in Akazas neck.
"That was quite a kick, Akaza." Domuas head returned to itself. Domua got up from the ground and walked towards them. Akaza put his hand on the back of y/ns head to keep her face in his neck.

"Fine. I will leave you be, but I don't think the master will be happy with you, Akaza~" he sang as he walked away. Y/n felt tears coming to her eyes as she hugged Akazas neck. Akaza sighed and rubbed her back.
"It's ok. It's gonna be ok" Akaza began to walk away from the scene. He looked up and saw the sun coming up. He also felt the little cuties' body go limp. He rubbed her back as he heard little snores coming from her.

Akaza saw a hut ahead. It looked abandoned. So he went up to it and went inside as the sun came up. Akaza grabbed the blanket that was in the corner. He wrapped it around y/n gently as he laid her down. Akaza laid down next to her and looked up at the ceiling. It was an interesting night for him.

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