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"PAPA!" y/n shouted, and Iguro rushed towards her. Iguro wrapped his arms around y/n as she burster into tears. Iguro rubbed her back as he whispered soft and calming things to y/n. She let all her tears out and hand on to Iguros uniform like it was the last time she was going to see him. Iguro sighed as he sat on the bed and held y/n tight. As her tears started to slowly stop. Y/n stayed in Iguros' arms as she looked up at him. Kaburamaru rested his tail on her head. As she kept her gaze up at him. Iguro sighed as he looked down at the girl.
"How are you feeling?" He asked softly. Y/n pulled away from him and leaned back on the pillow behind her.
"I'm ok" she muttered. Iguro nodded and crossed his legs on the bed. As Kaburamaru slid his way towards y/n. He rested upon her shoulders as Koba climbed on to her lap.

"Why weren't you with Shinazugawa?" He asked softly. Trying not to get mad at her for running off on him. Yes, he got letters from Sanemi, the Uzuis, and even Tomioka himself. Iguro was alert that Y/n was having a small adventure of her own. Iguro noticed that y/n wasn't going to respond. He sighed and went beside y/n. He sat next to her as he looked ahead. Y/n played with her fingers.
"Well, you be mad if I tell you?"
"I won't get mad if you tell the truth. I will get mad if you lie" he spoke softly. Y/n nodded as she leant up against Iguro. Iguro wrapped his arm around y/n as she felt safe and comfortable.

"Wanna tell me what happened?" He asked.
"I followed a pretty blue butterfly" Iguro shook his head as he thought.
'Of course you did' he smiled a little under his mask as Y/n told the story of adventure. Iguro wasn't happy when he heard that she spent some time with a demon, but he was surprised that the demon didn't hurt her. When it came to the part about Rengoku, she burst into tears again. Even though she didn't spend much time with Renogku. Y/n found him funny when they met at the Hashira meeting.

The day went quick as it was night. Shinobu had told Iguro that y/n needed to stay the night just in case. Y/n snuggled into her bed as Iguro was tucking her in. Y/n had finished dinner a while ago. She asked Iguro if he could tell her stories. In which he did. Y/n yawned and rubbed her eye as she looked at Iguro.
"Can you stay, please?" She asked softly. Iguro sighed and ruffed her hair.
"I can't. We don't want Shinobu mad, do we?" Y/n shook her head no. Iguro pulled his mask down a little as he kissed the little girls forehead.
"Night y/n" as he pulled his mask back up.
"Night, Papa." she yawned and fell asleep with Koba next to her. Iguro smiled softly and walked out of her room. An idea has been stuck on his mind since the beginning of the mission he went on. He sighed as he walked towards Shinobus office. He had to ask a question.

Iguro walked down the hallways of the butterfly mansion as he knocked on the door to the butterfly Hashiras office.
"Come in" Iguro opened the door and walked inside.
"Iguro, what can I do for you?" She asked with a smile. As she put her pen on her desk. Iguro went up to her desk and sighed.
"I have a question for you" he spoke. Shinobu smiled as she clapped her hands together.
"Oh, and what is this question?" She asked. Iguro took a deep breath in.
"Where can I get adoption papers?" He asked. It was more of a whisper. Shinobus eyes widened and then went back to normal.
"It's for y/n isn't it?" She asked with a little smirk to her face.

Iguro noticed the smirk and crossed his arms.
"Yes it is. Now, are you gonna tell me where to get the papers from" he is now annoyed. Shinobu giggled as she covered her mouth with her hand. She opened her drawer and pulled out a piece of paper.
"I keep these on hand just in case" she smiled and handed the piece of paper to Iguro. He nodded. Kaburamaru looked at the paper and couldn't contain his excitement. Iguro glared at Kaburamaru to calm down since his tail was hitting Iguro on the back. Now the big question awaits tomorrow for the little cutie that is sleeping in her bed.

As the sun started to the rise for a brand new day. A very nervous Hashira walked down the hallways of the butterfly mansion. Heading towards the little cuties room. He knocked on the do as a faint come in was heard from the other side. He opened the door and went inside the room. Iguro noticed y/n was munching on her breakfast. Her feet were happily swaying side to side, and a ig smile on her face as he ate.
"Hey, Papa." she put a piece of fruit in her mouth as she waved. Iguro chuckled quietly and went up to her bed.
"Hey y/n" he sat down on her bed as he held the papers behind his back. Y/n tilted her head as she put another piece of fruit in her mouth.
"What do you have?" She asked with her mouth full.
"Don't talk with your mouth full" he plainly said.

"Anyway. I have a question for you" y/n perked up at that as she sat up straight. Iguro sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.
"You don't want to go back to your old family, right?"
"HELL NO. They were so mean" Y/n crossed her arms with a frown on her face. Iguro chuckled a little and then pulled out the adoption papers.
"So, kid, would you like me to be your family instead?"

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