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oneirataxia (n:)
the inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality.


It has been so long since you took fancy upon me.
A bygone panorama, yet never gone from my thoughts,
not even when you shed your former persona :
the epitome of everything dear,
you still are ― just not for me to pursue.

But my poor heart doesn't believe so,
it thinks you are still my salvager,
instead of the bittersweet memory you are.
I tell it to despise you,
but it only gets enamored of you more.

With no warning given,
i had to watch you slip away,
leaving me in disquietude.
Your laughter echoes hollow,
your eyes austere instead of the tranquility it possessed.

It akins to knowing two perceptible individuals,
one a fantasy, and the other, a merciless reality.

It pangs,
for my world was once held so tight by you,
and it's loosening while you etiolate into darkness :
perhaps ― your warmth was only a beautiful mirage.

― aremeich


a/n: wrote this before 'whelve' but forgot to publish it lmao

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