Chapter 6

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It's been a couple of weeks since Bella found out about vampires. She has been coming over almost every single day. It's getting completely out of hand. Nathan is constantly having to stay at the other house when she's here so her blood is not tempting him. I finally had to put a stop to it yesterday.


Edward was about to leave the house to go get Bella and bring her here. All of us were sitting in the front room mingling around. Nathan knew what was happening so he was getting prepared to leave. 

"Nathan, why are you leaving?"

"Edward is going to go get Bella and I don't wanna still be here when they get back." Okay, I've completely had it. My son should not have to leave because Bella decided to get nosy and force herself into our lives. 

"No you're not." Nathan stopped and that caused everyone to stop what they were doing. They all looked at us, especially Edward. 

"Mom, it's - " I cut him off. 

"You're staying here and if Edward doesn't like it, then he can leave." I looked at Edward and I could see that he was getting mad.

"Nathan can't be here if Bella - " I didn't let Edward finish his sentence. 

"Yes he can. My son shouldn't have to leave because you want to bring your HUMAN girlfriend to a house full of vampires."

"Well he could attack her," Edward said. I could tell that he was trying to convince me. I know my son and what he is capable of. 

"If you don't like him being here if Bella is coming over, then you can take her somewhere else. I'm not going to put a nosy human before my son. Simple as that." 

"Well if he didn't have heightened smell, then - " At this point, I'm getting livid. I bolted up from the couch and stared Edward down. 

"You're making it sound like he chose that! When you are turned into a vampire, you don't get to pick what gifts you have!" As I was speaking, I could see Nathan slowly trying to make his way out of the room. I quickly turned toward him. 

"Nathan Charles Whitlock! You stay right there where you are! Don't you dare leave this house!" He paused in his steps. He knew I meant business when I called out his full name. It must've caught him off guard because I only had to say it one other time over the years.

I looked back at Edward and continued to stare him down. "If you want to hang out with your human, then take it somewhere else. I'll be damned if some human is going to get in the middle of my family and make us forced to leave because we aren't comfprtable around her." When he didn't say anything so I kept speaking. 

"You're already breaking a law by keeping her human and keeping her alive. Either turn her or kill her! If this continues on, then I will be contacting the Volturi. Your choice."

"Well, I want her to live as much as a human -"

"Oh spare me the fucking details! If you want her to be a human as long as she can, then you should've never got involved with her! Humans are not supposed to know about our existance." He just stayed quiet and looked down to the floor. 

"I'm only going to say this once so you better listen. If it comes down to choosing to either save my sons and husband or saving Bella, which you better pray that it doesn't, then I will choose my sons and husband because THAT is what a good mother and wife does."

"Well, she could be like family to us," Alice said. I looked at her and spoke to her in a calm voice.

"Alice, I know you want things to work out, but that would be impossible for me. Bella is not family to me." Everybody stayed quiet after that. I looked back at Edward. 

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