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felix felt sick to his stomach as chan drove them to the brunch place. he felt chan put his hand on his thigh, "you okay sweetheart? you look upset,"

felix snapped out of his upset state and turned to the other and smiled, "oh don't worry channie, im okay, just a little hot, do you mind if i turn up the AC?," felix lied.

"oh course baby, whatever makes you most comfortable," chan said, turning up the AC in the car, "we'll be at the place soon anyway,"

the rest of the ride was peaceful. chan pulled up to the place then quickly got out the car to open felix's door for him, "come on princess, we're here,"

when felix entered the place it was beautiful, it looked like only rich people could afford it, a lot of people were in professional suits.

"channie, this place is beautiful...you sure it's okay that im here? im not dressed for the part really," felix said as a host walked them to there table.

chan smiled, "baby, when you're with me, you can wear whatever you want, i think you look gorgeous okay? don't stress,"  they sat down at the table across from each other as the host placed menus in front of them.

"hello and welcome, could i get you guys anything to drink?" the waitress asked.

"i'll have a orange liqueur mimosa, and, what would you like baby?"

"i'll have the same thing," again, felix didn't know lots about alcoholic beverages. chan just laughed, god felix thought this man was so cute.

"okay, i'll give you guys time to look over the menus and i'll be back with your drinks in a second,"

"i'm surprised they didn't ID me," felix said.

"oh baby, you don't need an ID when you're with me," chan said laughing.

"so sweetheart," chan said while they both looked through the menu, "i have a work party to attended tonight and i know we've only know each other for a short amount of time, i was going to ask if you wanted to come with me,"

felix was shocked, maybe chan was telling the truth when he said he doesn't do this with a lot of people, "oh...are you sure you want to bring me? i mean... if it's a work party, i don't want to interfere—"

"darling, i wouldn't invite you if i didn't want you to be there. i really want to get to know you and i want you to know some of my life too, but if you don't want to, i understand," chan said.

"no! i do want to come! i just wanted to make sure! i really want to get to know you too! i really enjoy spending time with you," felix smiled.

chan smiled again, "that's great to hear sweetheart, now look at the menu, my baby needs to be feed since we have to go out to get you an outfit for the party tonight,"

felix almost screamed, more shopping? hell yeah.

"here are your drinks, can i take your orders now?" the waitress asked.

"could you give us just one more second," chan asked nicely to the waitress who nodded and went to another table. "have you looked at the menu at all sweetheart?"

"yeah, this stuff is really expensive, i'll take whatever is cheapest," felix said, eyes wide at the prices printed on the menu.

"baby, look at me," chan said a little sternly.

felix looked up immediately.

"you never have to worry about money with me okay? don't even look at the prices. just get whatever you want okay?"

felix nodded, "okay channie, thank you,"

"you're welcome baby, pick anything you'd like,"

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𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐑 ୨୧ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐋𝐈𝐗Where stories live. Discover now