Chapter 8

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"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you took me in."
Matthew 25:35

WELCOME TO VERONA, said the sign at the entrance. Just ahead of the path was a small cottage in the distance with a bit of smoke appearing from a chimney.

"Hold up," Lysander stepped behind Gabriel and put on his hood. For a moment, Gabriel felt his fingers touch the back of his neck. "Hide your face. And keep your head down."

Gabriel nodded with understanding. The two entered past the sign. The dirt path underneath them turned into a concrete sidewalk. Small glimpses from Gabriel's vision showed they were in the town.

It was a standard small town anyone would see on a pamphlet or in the setting of a Hallmark movie. The people walked about in their daily routines, cars drove down the street carrying produce, and children ran around the town center and laughed loudly.

He had never seen such a lively town. Even in his home of DC, Gabriel never saw the authentic lives of people who did not have to worry about their image or saying or doing the wrong thing. Sure, these people were poor, and lesser in his eyes, but they were nonetheless content with their lives.

Which was more than he could say for himself, who was lesser, poor, and unhappy.

Lysander stepped in an alleyway between two townhouses. They went past the shopping area and into a small residential area full of brick houses.

"Our destination is in the outer parts of town. Just letting you know." Lysander explained. Gabriel nodded.

They walked more until the concrete paths returned to their dirty counterparts. Grassy hills covered the land. But instead of going to the verdant lawns, they made a left turn and returned to a forested area.

"Someone's coming! Head down!" Lysander said. The blonde man lowered his head and trailed behind the other.

A set of footsteps, and something that sounded of wheels, approached. "Lysander? Is that you?" A man asked.

The two men stopped on the side of the road. "Yes, it's me." Lysander replied.

"Are you done with your trip? You took longer this time." The man replied.

Lysander smiled. "I had a small... distraction... that needed my attention."

"Well, go. The home waits for you." The man said.

"Don't worry. I'll be there. See you next time, Corin." Lysander said. The shepherd nodded and continued walking forward while whistling a soft tune. Gabriel, still keeping his head down, saw the legs of the man walking by.

"Who do you have here?" Corin asked. He stopped pulling his wagon and stared at the hooded figure next to the raven-haired man.

"The distraction I told you." Lysander replied.

"Is she going to allow another refugee?" Corin then asked. Lysander shrugged his shoulders.

"Hopefully." He spoke. Corin glanced at the hooded figure. He saw that the figure was definitely a man. Even through his layer of clothes, anyone could distinguish his muscular frame. Glances at his arm also let the shepherd know that the man was blonde.

Instead of finding out more information, he continued his walk since the harvest season would come soon.

Lysander grabbed Gabriel by his wrist and turned to look at him. "Good job," Lysander said. Gabriel's face became bright red, and this time, it was not hidden.

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