"He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8AS AN APOLOGY for hiding something from Gabriel, Lysander agreed to do everything he needed to do to make up for his sin. Whether it be grabbing a glass of water for Gabriel or helping him hide a dead body, he was going to be there, always.
Gabriel needed to trade some of his precious metal into money as he noticed his funds were starting to run low. He had packed enough for at least 3 months.
He carried a small backpack with some chains that he had stolen from his father's treasury. He didn't ever expect to pass these things down as heirlooms to any possible children. Instead, he knew he would have to see these one day.
Lysander knew the way around town and offered to take Gabriel to the nearest bank. Gabriel agreed and the two hopped on their bikes and pedaled away.
The Verona Bank was on the same street as the mayoral office. It was a small brick building. Cameras were pointing down to the street. And the door at the front was metal, not wood or glass like the other shops.
"Tight security." Lysander said. He pressed the button near the door. A jingle rang until a clicking sound emerged from the lock on the door. Lysander opened the door and allowed Gabriel to go first.
The inside was cold. The walls were also brick. Queue line ropes were placed in the middle that led to several booths at the other end of the main room. It was empty today, so the two men walked through the lines until they approached the only open booth.
"If your check bounced, it's not my fault. Also, I don't control inflation." The man behind the glass said without looking up. He continued scrolling on his phone.
"We're not here for that, Shylock." Lysander said. Shylock sat up and saw who was waiting for him.
"Crap! Do I bow to you still or is that not a thing anymore since you were excommunicated?" Shylock said.
"It's fine," Gabriel said.
"Well, what can I help you with today? Here to make a withdrawal?"
Gabriel set his backpack on the floor. "I heard that you accept..." Gabriel leaned closer to the glass. "You accept gold." He whispered.
Shylock smirked. He stood up and walked over to his computer. He temporarily shut down the cameras inside the building and then returned to his seat.
"Not officially. But, depends on what you've got. Show me." Shylock said. Gabriel pulled out something wrapped in a cloth and placed it on the table in front. Shylock opened a small door from the glass partition, allowing for the two sides to now be able to contact one another.
Gabriel opened the fabric to reveal a 4 inch gold turtle shell. "It was a peace offering from the Queen of the Kingdom of Hawai'i."
Shylock put on white plastic gloves and carefully picked up the gold turtle. "Do you know the history of this?" Shylock asked.
"A bit. It was a gift from the Queen of Hawai'i. When my grandfather, three years into his term, signed the Treaty of the West Coast, there was a large meeting in Cupertino. I don't exactly remember what happened at the treaty." Gabriel said.
"The Treaty of the West Coast was a way to stop the fighting from the west. Those in attendance were President Abraham Barrington, representing the US, the then president of Mexico, the governor of California, Oregon, Nevada, Washington, and Alaska. And also, the newly proclaimed Queen of the Kingdom of Hawai'i.
RomanceApocrypha: An American Tale In a distant future, the US has fallen under the control of a theocratic regime. Imposing its religious rules on the country, the US, once the land of free, has become anything but. Among those living in the ruling class...