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(It's been a week, Vegas was released from the hospital, he was greeted by his father and uncle coldly, his cousins showed a little sympathy for him. They knew of the abuse that Vegas went through because growing up the boys knew Vegas and Kinn were actually friends and that Kinn shared disturbing stories with his older brother before his accident. The bodyguards walked Vegas to his room, Kinn was about to follow but Vegas stopped him and for show gave him an angry look)

" I don't need your pity asswhole" Vegas said to Kinn not meaning the words. "I'll go with you brother" said mancau before giving Kinn a dirty look.

(When the brothers  were alone, they sat in silence for hours until)

"So why Vegas huh" said mancau "what are you talking about" he asked his brother. " I saw you and him, why are you sleeping around with him, did he promise you something or are you really just that much of a whore" .

"Hey"!, "you don't speak to me like this I'm still your older brother and I have the right to have some respect" said Vegas. "Than why are you sleeping with him, huh to get your rocks off, is this part of a plan, what because the brother I know would never sleep with him not to mention he is our cousin" said mancau a little louder.

(Vegas sat there. He started to get emotional once again. His brother rushed to his side)

"Kinn and I have been together for a long time, little brother, we put on a fake act around the family but we've never hated each other, not even when we were kids, we've been pretending for a long time we just kept it up around family" said Vegas. "Why didnt you tell me" he replied

"It was a decision we both made, plus like you said we are cousins so I didn't know how you would react" said Vegas. "It would have stopped me from doing and saying those horrible things to him, it probably hurt you in the long run, we were brought up to hate them and you're telling me know you've been a relationship with him for years ".

"He's were a feel safe" said Vegas

( as if on cue Kinn walked into the room . Vegas made grabby hands to Kinn. He quickly looked at Mancau and the back at Vegas)

"I know Kinn, go ahead" said mancau

(Kinn went to Vegas and held him close. The Boy was shocked he had never seen his brother look so venerable and scared, he didn't like seeing it but he was glad someone is there for him)

"I support you and him being together" . " Thank you, for now keep this to yourself.

(He nodded and left the room. That night Kinn stayed in Vegas room. In the morning the family all gathered for breakfast)

"So Vegas how are you feeling " talkhun asked. "I'm fine still a little sick" he replied. "Where you able to complete the task" his father asked harshly. "No I didn't" .
"So useless I give you one task and not finish" said his dad

(Vegas got up angrily)


(His brother go up to follow him)

"Vegas are you okay" he asked his brother. "No im not I'm scared I'm terrified about what will happen I don't wanna keep the risk" he said.

"But you guys risk your life's every day what's so different now" he replied. "Because it's not just my life anymore mancau" he said trying to walk off but his brother grabbed hold of him.

"What do you mean by that, how's life are you fighting for not to risk" he asked. "Before mom died she told me something that was unbelievable and at first I didn't believe her until that day at the hospital, mancau I can have kids like actually have kids (give birth)" Vegas said.

"So you're telling me, that you're pregnant right now" he replied. "Yes, and if I would have know I wouldn't have put my baby's life in danger's like that" said Vegas. "Does Kinn- No, I have told him and if I did now he would kill dad" said Vegas.

"At this rate it wouldn't be such a bad thing Vegas I mean look at what he's done to you, he doesn't treat you like a son more like a puppet" said mancau

" I know that and believe I want to kill him myself for everything but I need to keep up everything until I have a clear chance" said Vegas. "Fine but you need to tell Kinn about this" he said.

"I will just not now" Vegas said.


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