5: Breaking Point Part 1 (Spectating)

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3rd POV

About an hour after the two fell asleep their crew got curious, and decided to check on them "So who's gonna get them," Ben questioned. "Not me," Lily exclaimed. "Well I'm not doin' it," Boone argued. "Tyler sounded really angry with her about her attitude so I say leave them," Dexter explained. "Of for the love of rodeo's I'll do it," Dani interjected, annoyance dripping in her tone.

Dani went up to their hotel room, and knocked a few times. She got no response. Dani being the person she is, invited herself in using her spare key. "RISE, AND SHINE PARTY PEOPLE!" Dani yelled enthusiastically.

Savannah was still completely out of it but Tyler woke up with a start. "Dani? What the hell! I could've been naked changing. You can't just come barding in my room," Tyler exclaimed. "Oh you were naked, doing the vertical tangle," Dani teased. "Is there a reason you came in here," Tyler questioned, annoyed.

"We're having a cookout. Coming to get you both cause I know that Savannah would kill us if we had food, and didn't share," Dani told him. "We'll be down in 20. Now would you please get out of my room," Tyler told her. Dani turned on her heel, and left however he could hear her voice booming outside. "Y'all assholes owe me $50," Dani stated, followed by a chorus of complaints. Tyler rolled his eyes, and got out of bed.

He shakes Savannah's shoulder causing her to stop snoring, and open her eyes. "Baby there's a cookout downstairs. Get changed so we can join the others," Tyler told her. "Food," She mutters. Tyler snickered. "Yes darlin' there's food," Tyler replied. The both of them quickly got changed before going downstairs.

"Tyler, and Savi sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G," Boone sang. "Boone shut up," Tyler playfully snapped. "How are you feeling," Lily questioned Savannah. "Like a truck hit me," Savannah replied. "Damn Tyler, how rough were you with our little sunflower," Boone teased. "You know what I'm not telling y'all what we do in the bedroom. So can we please drop this conversation," Tyler told them.

He hops in the back of his truck, helping Savannah in the back. "So what food are we having," Savannah questioned excitedly. "Hotdogs," Dani replied. Savannah pouted. "What'd you expect, sunshine steak, and potatoes," Dani replied. "No but it would've been nice," Savannah teased. "When do y'all plan on making your relationship public," Boone questioned. "Soon Boone," Tyler stated. He starts working on the truck's equipment.

Savannah was on her phone sitting next to Tyler. "City girl. The cells to the west will choke each other out, she said. The ones to the east will put on a show," Tyler stated. Savannah looks up from her phone, and nearly drops it seeing who it was. Kate however didn't seem to notice her. "Well, didn't throw you off the scent," Kate replied. Savannah's jaw became slack.

The audacity of Kate to show up 5 years after leaving her for dead in the hospital. Savannah was mad, no Savannah was seething. All she saw was red, and she felt as if she could break everything in her path.

"Hey, that's what makes Tyler famous," Boone replied. Savannah stayed silent. "You mean on YouTube," Kate questioned. "Uh, Y-yeah. We're on YouTube. We got what? About a million subscribers now," Boone replied. "Yes sir," Lily teased. The group slightly cheered, not wanting to celebrate too loud. "Uh, Kate what," Ben questioned. "Your surname just in case I include you in my piece,"

"Oh, um, just Kate's fine," Kate replied. "She's a tricky one," Tyler replied. "Actually you made a good call earlier," Boone spoke up. "The other cell. It looked stronger but the cap never broke," Boone explained. "What's a cap," Ben questioned. "The temperature inversion in the mid part of the lower atmosphere. It inhibits a storm from forming," Dexter, and Savannah both stated. "Right, okay...good," Ben replied quietly.

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