8: Fly Away Cowboy

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3rd POV

She had a feeling in her gut, something wasn't right. She knew it, and she wasn't going to risk Tyler or Kate's life because she brushed off a feeling that she knew all too well. Before hopping into her black truck Savannah grabs her gear, and strapped on a go pro, and radio to keep in contact with a friend. When she got the truck she quickly turned it on, and backed up before driving off in a hurry. On her way she turns on her storm camera, and radio.

"Ah it looks like storm chaser Savannah has just joined.

It has been quite some time my friend," Ryan Hall exclaimed.

"No time for a reunion. Something bad's going to happen.

I was looking at the radar, and noticed cells forming in the area,"

Savannah told him.

"Cell doesn't necessarily mean a tornado is going to form.

There's a potential yes. Let me look at the radar," Ryan told her.

"Holy—-yeah no need Ryan," Savannah exclaimed.

Right before her as she was driving she saw the tornado beginning to form, making her push down on the gas pedal increasing her speed. She quickly pulls up to the rodeo, and grounds her car with the anchors. She flipped on the go pro and used her spare key to open Tyler's truck before anchoring his truck down as well. "Tornadoes touched down, we gotta get everyone out of here. The numbers are rising, and if I had to guess I'd say we have an EF3 coming straight for us," Savannah told Ryan on the radio.

"Grace, don't go playing hero," Ryan told her.

"I lost everyone I have ever known because of tornadoes. I'm not losing Tyler, and Kate. They're the only family I have left. If I lose them, I have nothing worth living for anymore," Savannah said tearfully. "I'm sorry.....if Delilah ends up seeing this. Tell her I'm sorry, and I love her," Savannah whispered through the radio. She turns off the radio, and that's when she hears it. The sirens.

"Ladies, and gentleman I just was told that a tornado has touched down in the area. We need to evacuate this arena right now," A man yelled over the speakers. Among the chaos Savannah runs past all the people who were running to their cars.

"TYLER! KATE!" Savannah screamed out. All she heard was screams from terrified people. She sees two familiar people running to a small motel. "TYLER!" She screamed. As she was running to the motel a piece of scrap metal came flying at her.

"SAVANNAH!" Tyler yelled. She ducks just in time, and runs to the mote making it into Tylers arms. "What the hell are you doing here," He exclaimed.

"No time," Savannah replied, grabbing his arm, and pulling him inside followed by a woman, and her young daughter. Kate runs back to the front table.

"Everybody come with me," Kate exclaimed.

"Alright follow her," Tyler ordered the mother, and child.

The 5 of them, and the hotel worker run off towards the back, and make their way to the pool. Savannah turns back to see the couple rush to their car. "No! Don't drive," She yelled. The tornado could be seen in perfect view on her go pro. It was big, and it was scary. Tyler grabs her arm pulling her past the gate.

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