7: Deja Vu

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3rd POV

Kate for the first time in a while slept a lot easier. Talking to her sister helped her a lot, and she could never be more grateful for her sister's kind heart. Meanwhile Tyler, and Savannah were out of it. Tyler's loud snores echoed in the room while Savannah's soft breathing was drowned out from Tyler's snores.

The night was peaceful until Savannah slightly whimpered causing Tyler to shoot up faster than he thought was possible. He immediately turned to Savannah who slightly whimpered once again in her sleep. "Sav baby it's okay it's just a dream," Tyler whispered in her ear. He turned on his side gently wrapping his arm around her waist, and used his free hand to gently run his hand through her hair.

She whined again, kicking the blankets off. Her arm twitches, and her whines turn into small sobs."Sav baby it's okay, I'm here. You're safe it's just a dream," Tyler softly soothes. She slowly starts to settle back in the bed. The room was silent for a short while before he heard her soft snores again. Tyler drifted off back to sleep now that he was certain she wouldn't wake up from a nightmare.

In the morning

The soft glow of the morning sun flooded the room from the crack of the curtain. Tyler's phone buzzes, causing him to groan. He rolls over snoozing the alarm. Tyler laid in bed for a few more moments before he found the strength to open his eyes. He stretched out his arms, throwing off the blankets and getting up.

He let Savannah sleep in while he got dressed. He checked his phone seeing it was 7:30. He walked over to Savannah admiring her peaceful form. Her dark hair fanned out on the pillow, and her breathing was deep and even. He gently tucks some stray hairs out from her face. Savannah softly whined shifting in bed. Her eyes fluttered open. "Hey, sleepyhead," he whispered, "It's time to get up."

She sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "What time is it?" she murmured, her voice thick with sleep. "A little past 7:30," Tyler replied. Her eyes widened in realization, and she bolted upright. "Shit we're gonna be late," she said, her voice suddenly clearer. "I can't believe I overslept."

She quickly went over to her suitcase looking for an outfit when she felt Tyler wrap his arms around her waist. "Baby you didn't oversleep. You're fine, we still got plenty of time," Tyler assured.

She slightly relaxes in his arms. "Let me get dressed then we can head out to the diner for breakfast with Delilah," Savannah replied. Tyler kisses her forehead before releasing her waist. She headed off to the bathroom to change which took a few minutes but when she exited the bathroom she was in her boots, skinny jeans, a v neck shirt with a long sleeve flannel to keep her warm.

The two head off to the diner to have breakfast with Delilah since she just ended her shift. They made a little pitstop to drop Delilah off before heading back to the hotel to meet up with the other group.

"You know what I just realized," Savannah asked Tyler.

"What?" He questioned.

"I forgot my phone in the room. While the wranglers are still making their way down I'm gonna go get my phone," Savannah replied. She hops out of the truck going to her hotel room, and grabbing her phone. Just as she exits the room she notices Kate, and Javi making their way down the hall to the stairs.

"Savi, can you please, please, please come with me today," Kate pleaded, giving Savannah the best puppy eyes possible. The very eyes that she knows always made Savannah cave into giving Kate something when they were younger.

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