2: Long Way From Home (Tyler's POV)

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I woke up in the morning, and Savannah was still asleep. I removed my arm from around her waist, and got up to get dressed. I wore a maroon button up, with dark blue jeans, my boots, and belt buckle.

It was the morning after losing her pet Nova. I knew she was exhausted, and wanted to let her sleep in but if I leave without telling her she'll probably think I left her, and have a panic attack. She was always fragile like that. So I decided to wake her up, and just give her a heads up.

Savannah was lying there on the bed, her long hair sprawled out on the pillow, her eyes still closed. The early morning light was caressing her cheek, highlighting the freckles that scattered on her cheeks like stars in the midnight sky. 

I walk over to the bed, and sat down by her. Leaning over her, and whispering her name softly while gently reaching out, and stroking her cheek. "Darlin' wake up. I've got to go with the team. We're heading out to see if we chase another twister" I spoke softly. She softly whines, and lays still for a moment. 

But after a moment her eyes fluttered open, the light in the room made her blue eyes look like comets. Her eyes were hazy with sleep for a few moments until she finally looks at me. She had a sleepy smile that made my heart twist in my chest.

 "What did you say?" she murmured, her voice groggy. "I said I have to go with our group. We're gettin' ready to see if we can find another tornado to wrangle," I spoke softly. "Already," She questioned.

"Yes but I'll be back before you know it, I promise." I brushed a stray hair away from her face, tucking it behind her ear. She sat up slowly, the blankets falling away to reveal her bare shoulders, and the same clothes from the day prior. 

"Be safe," she said, the concern etched in her features. She didn't look at me directly; she was staring at my hand, the one that was still resting on her cheek. I knew she didn't want me to go. When she raised her hand to set it on mine It only confirmed that she wanted me to stay but she'd never say it out loud. 

"Always," I assured her.  I leaned in and kissed her forehead. "What if I go," She whispered. "No, you should stay. You've been through a lot, and you need to rest. You're tired, your eyes say it, and so does you body. Just catch up on sleep today. You can come on the next one," I said softly. 

"Okay," she whispered, but I could hear the unspoken words hanging in the air. The way she leaned into my hand, so touch starved, and yet so fragile. "I'll be back soon," I told her. I kiss her cheek lightly, feeling the warmth of her skin. She reached up, and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer. I wrapped my arms around her returning the hug. Her head rested on my shoulder. 

 "Just...be safe." Her voice was barley even a whisper but I heard her. "I promise," I replied. We held each other for a moment longer until I pulled away. I give her one last kiss to the forehead before heading out the door.

As I headed down the stairs I heard Lily's voice pipe up. "Tyler," She called out, as she rushed to catch up with me. "I heard about what happened last night. How's our girl doing," Lily questioned. "Honest answer. Not well she's trying to hold it together but I can see her slowly breaking," I told her. 

"She just needs us to be there for her. Her whole life's been nothin' but a never ending funeral," Lily stated. "Do you know about her past," I questioned. "Yes, listen Ty...she'll tell you when she's ready. It's not my story to tell," Lily replied. She, and Dexter went to the RV, while me, Ben and Boone took the truck. 

We pulled up to lone ranger where a bunch of fans were. Boone had Luke Combs blaring on the radio as I was driving. He had just started the live. He leaned out the window. "Hey storm par we're live on YouTube say something," Boone told them. "Blow me Boone," one guy snapped, and I only snickered. "Hey smile man, science is fun, right?" Boone said sarcastically. 

I parked the car, and open the door but don't get out. I stand on the step holding onto the rail. "Hey T tell the folks how you feeling," Boone questioned. "Feelin pretty good Boone," I replied. "And if you feel it," I called out. "CHASE IT!" The fans yelled. "I said if you feel it!" I said louder. "CHASE IT!" They yelled once again. "WHOO! it's a beautiful day!" I said enthusiastically. 

It was but it'd be more beautiful if my girl was here. When I was in there crowd with my fans I saw this blonde girl. Boy did she remind me of Savannah. I slightly lower my hat in acknowledgement.  I remove myself from the crowd, and follow this mysterious woman. 

"I used to do that," I spoke. "Compare the wind direction to cloud movement gives you a feel for the sheer. Sometimes the old ways are better than the new," I told her. "Where you comin' in from," I questioned. "New York," She replied. "You're a long way from home city girl. So you like workin' for storm par," I questioned. 

I heard footsteps. "Tyler. Do you know which storm we're going after yet," Ben questioned. "Well why don't we ask---," I replied, however cut myself off, and point at city girl hopin' for a reply. "Kate," She replied. "Hi Kate. I'm Tyler," I replied, flashing my charming smile.  "And I'm Ben, a report doing a story on American storm chasing. Tyler's letting me ride along," Ben stated. 

"Ben just promised to write nothin' but good stuff about me," I said jokingly as I pat his chest lightly. "Good luck with that," Kate replied. She walks away. "Hang on. You didn't say which way we were going yet," I told her. "From what I gather West we double our chances, and East well it's high risk, high reward," I said softly. 

"Well you can go for the reward, don't want Ben to think your boring," She replied. "Boring's not usually a problem for me, Kate," I said smugly. "2 cells to the West are fighting over the same inflow. They'll choke each other out, the cell to the East has the sky all to herself. Moisture, wind sheer, instability all the things you need to give Ben a good show," Kate told me, and walked away. 

"City girl knows her stuff, Ben," I stated but she paid no mind. "I said city girl knows her stuff, Ben," I said louder. She turns around. "Thanks. Maybe if I work real hard I could be a tornado wrangler," She said sarcastically. 

However she, and storm par went to the West. Oh she is slick, I like her. "I thought she told us East. She's going the wrong way" Ben said, his voice laced with confusion. "Nope," I replied. I put on my sunglasses, and rush to my truck. "Let's go y'all," I shouted.

We got into the storm truck, and left. We catch up to them, and I cut them off causing them to serve off the road. "WHOOO! What's up chat. We're back thank you for joining us. It is a perfect weather day. We just had a tornado touch down over here to the northwest, and she is pretty," I stated. 

I focus on staying on the road. "Here with us today per usual I got my chief storm, how you doin' Boone," I stated. "Oh yah baby," He cheered. "We got Dexter, and Dani in the RV behind us," I spoke up. "And Lily with the drone ready" I informed. "And our special guest today we got Ben in the backseat. You just came in from London yesterday, right," I stated. 

"Ugh--Uh yes south London," Ben stated. He then goes on to explain specific but I don't listen until the radio crackles. "Tyler the tornado's on the move," Dani spoke up. I took a hard turn, and saw that beautiful tornado in front of us. I cheered. "OH YEAH. It's on now. You ain't in London anymore," I said excitedly. 

My adrenaline was pumping, and I was excited. We started to get some hail. I narrowly miss one of the wings of a wind turbine. The truck flies in the air for a moment before we land, and kept speeding through the fields. 

We pull up to Javi. "JAVI! What are you doing out here! Tornado's that way," I taunted.  I turn, and see Kate in the drivers seat. "Hi Kate," I stated, I hit the gas, and we go speeding off. "YEEEEHAAA!" I yelled. We drove straight into the storm, and I hit the button to drill us in the ground before launching the fireworks. 

Just as the tornado was dissipating we got out, and started celebrating. "How you feeling dude," Boone questioned holding the camera to me. "On top of the world man. All thanks to my crew, I got Boone right here on camera. Dexter, Dani, and Lily with the fans. And the question is can you shoot fireworks in a tornado. And the answer is yes you can," I stated. 

"And we have Ben," I stated. I saw Ben barf in the field. "Alright alright if you feel it chase it. Remember you kids do not try this at home. We are professional tornado wranglers," I told the camera. "Chat's wondering where Savy's at," Boone questioned. "Savy is at the hotel. Unfortunately we lost our happy going dog wrangler Nova last night. She lived a long, and good life. So Savannah might not be here for a while but send your love out to her," I told them. 

Chasin' After You - Tyler OwensWhere stories live. Discover now