6: Breaking Point Part 2 (Tyler's POV)

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Tyler's POV

 I had my arms wrapped around her trembling body. Sav hardly ever talked about her family, and now I know why. Everyone she knew has either been ripped away from her or left her behind. Hell I'd be pissed if my sister didn't visit me in the hospital on what could have been my death bed.

I mean Sav had nobody in the hospital with her. I was the only one who was at her side the entire time, of course the group visited her at times but they weren't there for her like I was. "It's okay, Sav," I murmured, in hopes of calming her. "You're safe here. You can let it all out."

"She left. She promised that she'd always be there for me, and then she freaking left me when I almost died. I had never felt more alone Ty. I needed my sister, and she wasn't there!," Sav sobbed.

"I know, baby. I know, but I'm here, and you don't need your sister. You've got us, your real family," I soothed. I pull off her boots, and kick off my own before pulling both of us on the bed together. She wrapped her arm around my torso, and tossed her leg over my own holding onto me like a koala bear.

It was honestly kinda cute. However her tears flowed freely, leaving a trail of hot tears down her cheek. Her breathing was shallow, and her body shook with each sob. I couldn't help but feel my heart shatter even more.

"You're not alone," I assured. My hand gently stroked her hair. "I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere."

She clutched my shirt, her nails digging into the fabric as if it were a lifeline keeping her from drowning in the sea of her sorrow. She let out a shuddering breath, her body slowly relaxing in my arms. I could feel the tension in her body ease.

I said nothing. I just laid there letting her cry for as long as she needed. Eventually, her sobs subsided, and her breathing became shallower. Until eventually her eyes fluttered shut. "Ty...please don't leave me. I'm so tired of being alone, I don't wanna be alone anymore," Sav whispered tiredly.

She let out a soft yawn. "I'm not going anywhere princess," I assured. I got up, and grabbed one of my old shirts. I helped her take her shirt off, and slid my shirt on her. She threw off her pants, and tore off her socks, tossing them elsewhere.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked softly. "It might make you feel better. To fully process everything, and let me in"

Savannah took a deep, shaky breath. She shook her head. "I just need you to hold me," She whispered. Her eyes that once carried a bright sparkle were now dull, and I never felt madder at someone in my life. Sav was the lifeline to our group, she was always cheering us up, hence the nickname sunflower. But Kate broke our sunflower. She was now dull, and lifeless. Much like a sunflower derived from sunlight which has caused it to wilt.

"I can do that," I told her. I crawled in bed with her, and held her until she fell asleep. As she softly snored my mind wandered to what she was like 5 years ago broken, scarred, and hopeless.

5 years ago

Savannah was laying in bed watching Netflix with her headphones on. Tyler pulls her blanket off, tossing her phone, and headphones to the side. "What the hell," Savannah exclaimed. Tyler gave her a look. "Princess enough of this. I'm tired of you moping around. If you want to walk you have to fight for it. You've been through too much to let this be the thing that breaks you," Tyler told her.

"Tyler you heard the doctor–," Savannah protested, however Tyler cut her off. "Yes I heard the doctor, I was there. He also said that he's seen the worst cases, and the patients have walked again. He told you that if you want to walk again you have to want it. This—This isn't wanting it," Tyler exclaimed.

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