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"Lady Park Na-Bi," A familiar frantic voice calls out to the woman. Na-Bi freezes knowing that she was caught. Lowering her hand down that held her flower crown as a weapon to use on Jang uk. Both of the youngers stop everything they are doing, Jang uk even adjusting the crown on the woman's head when she places it there. And she tries to hide behind the friend, but he moves to the side. Traitor.

Sang-ho, one of the best mages in Songrim. Who also works for her father Park Jin, was one of the best teachers for Mages. But he had also been tasked as a guard for the young lady, along with a few other men being as he is very loyal to the Park family. He approaches the two with a weary eye, glancing at the noble man and his close proximity with Na-Bi. He bows his head as a sign of respect, then looks back at Na-Bi who has skittish eyes. She loved to keep the man on his toes. He swore his hairs were graying because of her.

"Oh, Sang-ho, I was wondering where you ran off to," Na-Bi gaslights. Trying already to deflect from her actions. Jang uk sniffles his chuckles and sticks around to see where this was going. Although he was confused as to why Sang-ho was looking for the girl, and why she seemed worried. He could not help but be curious.

"Where I ran off to miss?" He shows a clear distaste for her words, "I have been looking for you for hours. You cannot keep running off from the guards. Your father will have our heads if we lose you one more time," He explains in a tired manor.

Crossing her arms she gets ready to challenge the man. It was her favorite pastime to bug her father's men. "See.... you guys lost me, I never ran off. Think of those words you spoke just now and sit on them," She ordered. Her checks were stretched tight against her face as she smiled proudly at the male.

Sang-ho runs his hands over his face. Not being in the mood to fight with the young lady. She had always been a force to be reckoned with, and it only got worse over the years. "Lady Na-Bi, say your goodbyes. We must head back at once," He demands with authority in his tone.

"Sang-ho, must I really go?' She asked knowing that she would be in trouble if she went back. "Can't you tell father that I am sleeping or something? Jang uk just got back, and I have not seen him in so long. Could I please stay with him for a little while longer?" She questions. Lower lip jutting out as she pouts at her bodyguard.

Jang uk nods his head and looks at the guard with what he hopes is a pleading look. He too would like to spend more time with the woman, no matter her excuse. Sang-ho looks between the two, feeling bad as he knows how close their bond is.

"I do not know. I will have to ask your father" he tells her. There was one problem when it came to Sang-ho. Like most men, he was not immune to her cute actions. As he had a very hard time saying no to her when she asked.

"But I am perfectly safe with Uk," She tries one last time. "Please, would you be willing to cover for me?"


"I will call for you right away if anything even looks off. I promise," She hopefully states cutting the man off.

The man sighs. Na-Bi cheers silently in her head. Hand reaching out to Jang uk's and gripping it in her smaller one. The male squeezes her own back. "Fine, you must be back before sunset. And if I do not get word in three hours from now. I will send every guard in Songrim to hunt you down" he warns her.

"Yes, thank you," She smiles largely and bows at the older man. He just shakes his head and turns around after bowing at the two. Voice speaking into the magic silver band on his wrist, "Lady Park Na-Bi is located. She is safely resting in her chambers. Do not disturb the young lady."

"Sang-ho? Huh?" Jang uk rubs his chin in thought, "I did not realize you two were this close," He hums. Na-Bi side eyes the man while they walk towards the shoreline to catch a boat.

"Ehh?" She questions.

"Well, I always thought you would go for a higher up man. Someone more your age," he jeered. Feeling a butterfly effect in his stomach, the feeling moving violently around. Making him want to throw up. Jang uk did not understand this feeling, but he for sure did not like it.

Stuttering with blushing cheeks the girl clasp her hands together in nervousness. "Whoa h-hold on a moment. I-I....NO," She blurts out, "No, I am not...we. ughhh."

Chuckling, the man helps her into the boat they had arrived at. Only letting her hands go when she was finally in. "You have a crush so large, you cannot even speak proper words," he teasingly tells her.

Sitting on one of the wooden seats, she shoots a quick grin to the worker paddling the boat. Then turns her stare on a smirking Jang uk across from her. "There is no Sang-ho and I. There never will be, and I do not have a crush on him. Thats so disgusting, he is merely but a brother figure to me."

He shrugs and asks her, "Ah a brother, then why is Master Jin sending for him to fetch you?"

"You mustn't have heard his words. He mentioned guards did he not?" she claims, "A lot has happened in the time you had gone. And I am being watched day and night. It is hard to catch a breath of air without someone breathing down my neck."

"Park Jin...why does he have guards with you? Even in Songrim?" He uttered eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes, everywhere I go. You found me out by the lake by chance. It is the first time I have been alone in weeks," she bitterly mumbled. "My gate of energy has surged; I have power that others wish to take if they find out. And Appa is fearful of it, keeping me chained up like a mutt."

Na-Bi felt the way her hands clenched into fist. Angry with her father for trying to keep her hidden. Her father does not see how his actions are tearing their relationship apart. Why must he hide her when everyone knows who she is? Why does he just assume that the first time she is out something terrible will happen. She felt like he manifested it more by locking her up. And that was why she escaped when she could. If she didn't go out and try to be a somewhat normal person, then she would lose herself.

Jang uk could see the gloss in her eyes, showing that she felt a deep sorrow. The gloomy and tired look on her face made him feel awful. No wonder she had begged Sang-ho to let her go without telling. He wanted to know more, but did not want to push her. She could tell him anything in her own time. The two fall silent, thinking their own thoughts about the issue. They are quiet the rest of the journey to Danhyanggok.

Na-Bi's eyes looking out the boat into the clear waters, watching her eyes flash gold as she attempts to blink the swirls of magic away. Feeling a headache coming on as images pass through her mind. Seeing things that many are not able to, the past creeping through her mind. But it was not her current bodies past. It was her old souls' memories, from before she had reincarnated into the woman she was now. Her powers as a mage felt like a burden sometimes.

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