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^Her room, but the celling is higher than in the picture and the window is raised at about seven feet. There are no lights as well, just candles, and the bed is on the ground with no post.

Na-Bi sat cross-legged on the floor in her room, hands clasped tightly in her lap. She had been waiting for what felt like days for her father to finally come down and see her. After Dang-gu had forced her to leave with him and brought her back to Songrim. She had immediately been dragged away by her guards and locked in her chamber. The room was suffocating to be in, as it had guards who kept watch day and night just outside her door. The lone window so high she could not even reach it by standing on the tip of her toes. Her live in space was made of wooden walls and floors, with intricate carved designs in the walls with gold imagines. Lanterns with eternal flames sitting around the room, gifted to her from a high priestess. She had books scattered around in piles around the room. Other than that, the space stayed pretty bare, boring, and uninteresting. The room was nothing but beautiful, but that just what it was. Something pretty that her father hoped would keep her distracted.

Her body stiffened as she could hear his heavy footsteps, to anyone else it would be nearly impossible to hear. But Na-Bi knew her father like the back of her hand and could feel him coming as well. His steps echoed through the stone corridors, each step bringing him closer to her.

As a mage, Na-Bi possessed extraordinary powers that allowed her to do and know more than any before her. Her father, being a powerful mage himself, was terrified of her abilities. He made that known when he discovered what she could do and kept her locked away in a room that was nearly impossible to escape from. With guards stationed at the only entrance to the room. She hated the way he made her feel, like she was some monster that needed to be removed from society. If she did go out, because she was allowed to sometimes, she would be surrounded by at least seven guards and Sang-ho leading.

Finally, the door creaked open, and her father stepped inside. He was a tall, imposing figure with a stern expression on his face. His own pin straight hair, with a white strip that matched her own hair tips, stood with his hands clasped together. His eyes immediately fell on Na-Bi, and his scowl deepened, "Na-Bi, how could you be so reckless?" he scolded, his voice booming through the room.

"I am reckless for wanting to see my friends?" The younger scoffed crossing her arms across her chest. "For wanting to be treated like I am not a prisoner."

"Yes, completely and utterly reckless," he barked back. "Your actions could have had dire consequences. Your powers are too powerful, you do not even understand the extent of which they can be used."

Frowning with her heart sinking Na-Bi drops her head in shame. He had a way of always making her feel bad about everything she does. Most of the people in Songrim would say he was a kind, and fair leader. Though Na-Bi couldn't help but wish he would bring those traits to his home. And act fair when it comes to his own child.

She had been caught after her escape again from running away from her guards, but she could not help it. She longed to be in the outside world like she used to be years ago. To explore, to fall in love, to make friendships, and experience all the wonders it held as a young adult.

"Appa, please," she pleaded, her eyes brimming with tears. Hair that standing up reaches the top of her knees, now working as a curtain to hide her face. "I can control my powers. You must not have the need to keep me hidden away like this." When she had escaped through her window, it was the first time she left the room in nine nights of the moon.

"You do not have control-

"I do," she lied cutting him off. "I know how it works; I know how to keep it within myself." It was a partial lie, sometimes she could control it, sometimes it just happened without her meaning to.

Park Jin's expression softened, but his resolve remained firm. "I cannot risk losing you, Na-Bi. I've already lost your mother. You are my only child, and far too important to me. Far too powerful to be out in the open. If the wrong person knows what you can do, they will do anything to take you from me."

He was scared, that much was obvious. But he was making his decisions based on what had happened to her mother. Because her mother held the same powers as her and the wrong person found out. Her mother was killed when they performed the alchemy of souls on the woman. With the hope that he would be able to gain her powers. But all that did was kill both of them.

Feeling a surge of anger rise within her. She was tired of being caged like an animal; hidden away from the world she loves. She stood up, her hands trembling with emotion. Tears pouring out of her eyes, and she tries to suck them back in. "I do not want to be important or powerful," she shouted, voice echoing in the long-gone cold room. "I just want to be free; I want to be shown off proudly that I am your kin."

Park Jin's face fell, and he tried to reach out to embrace her. But Na-Bi only makes a move to push his hand away, but he quickly snatches his hand back so she could not touch him when he sees her bare skin. It was not fair that he could try to console her, when she was not allowed to touch him or anyone else by his rule.

"I am proud of you daughter. But I only want to protect you," he told her. Eyes slipping down to her bare hands. "Where are your covers?" He questioned with his clear annoyance rising.

In disbelief the woman walks to her mattress, picking up the white gloves that covered her hands up to her elbows when she wore them. Then she throws them at the man in anger, gloves hitting him in the chest before falling to the ground.

"One day...you are going to regret what you do. Because of the way you treat me, it will be only a matter of time before you lose me. You couldn't even protect Eomma" she hissed turning her back on him. A clear sign of disrespect towards her father. But even he felt too bad to scold her for her actions, while thinking in depth about her words. She wanted to scream and bang her head on a walk. But she wanted to beg for his forgiveness for what she just said. She didn't actually blame him for what happened to her mother. But she said it in anger.

In a tense and emotional moment, Na-Bi says her finals words of dismissal, "I would like to be alone now." Her voice thick with tears, ready to cry.

Her father, taken aback by her request, experiences a wave of guilt and sadness, feeling as though he had failed to be the supportive figure she needs. Despite his heartache, he silently acquiesces, leaving her space while grappling with feelings of shame and helplessness.

Once he is gone the woman turns back around, staring sadly at the space her father once claimed. All she wanted was for him to love her openly and be proud of the kind woman she tried to be. But that would have always been wishful thinking.

Na-Bi starts to cry wholeheartedly while thinking about her powers. She could see into the souls of others, seeing their deepest desires and darkest secrets with a single touch. But she could also physically see the auras of others and what lays trapped in their bodies if she looked close enough. With auras, she could access and manipulate soul magic. Proven when she touched Uk that same day.

It was why her father forced her to ware hand covers when she did get the chance to go out with her guards. Or the occasional appearance in front of the people of the village to show she's alive. The last time she had touched someone, it had been a soul shifter who had been petrified. Magic coursing throughout her body and causing a whole town to burn as her powers tried to do something to the body that even she did not know.

She hated it.

She hated it

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