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The night was thick with shadows, the kind that tangled in the branches and whispered secrets to the wind. The woman, named Na-bi, pressed her lips together tightly as she navigated the cold streets, her heart aching with every heavy breath. She felt the weight of her two soulmates, Jang Uk, whose frailty was a physical embodiment of the struggles he had been through, and Mu-deok, whose spirit had dwindled to a flicker, the shimmer of her presence dimmed to a near oblivion.

Jang Uk leaned against Na-bi, his once bold demeanor faded, his strength dwindled to fragile threads. His legs trembled, threatening to buckle under his own weight. She could feel the heat rising from him, a feverish glaze coating his skin, but there was nothing she could do to mend the wounds of the past. She would just take care of her two soulmates the best way she could, by being there. As for Mu-deok, she glanced from the corner of her eye to her other soulmate, who seemed to be teetering on the edge of consciousness. Her body followed Ara's lead, arm loosely wrapped around the girls easiest as she stood in the middle; holding the two tightly against her But Mu-deoks eyes were shut, a serene mask over the struggle that hid within.

Each step was a battle against the gnawing worry in her heart. A battle of keeping the two tethered to the ground. Her blood boiled with frustration at her helplessness. "Why can't I do more?" she whispered to herself, glancing up at the high canopy that filtered the moonlight into beams that danced upon the village floor. It felt as if the moon was mocking her, gazing down at her struggles while leaving her to carry the weight alone.

With a shake of her head, Na-bi poured all her resolve into their journey. Pulling the two closer to her as their feet barely pushed them forward. Her grip on them stronger as she glued them tighter together. "Come on, you two," she coaxed softly. "Just a little further." She strained to carry the both of them, fear clawing at her throat as she thought of what lay ahead. Would they both survive this?

Suddenly, Jang Uk stumbled, his breath growing labored. "Na....bi," he choked out, a tremor of panic threading through his voice. "I can't—"

"Don't say that!" she snapped, the fire in her voice taking him aback. Searing worry quickly morphed into anger; anger directed at the unfairness of the world they were caught in. She steadied him once more, pushing back her own exhaustion with fierce determination. "You have to keep going! Remember what we talked about? We'll find healing, I promise."

They had spoken together softly when Mu-deok had passed out. About making sure she was taken care of in the infirmary. It was just a matter of getting them both there. Uk wasn't so sure that it would work, that Na-bis father would allow them to bring the ex-assassin there.

As if hearing her, Mu-deok stirred slightly, her eyelids fluttering open for the briefest moment. For a heartbeat, she seemed to grasp the weight of the situation, the urgency pressing against her consciousness. "Bi..." she murmured, her voice coming through like a song barely remembering the tune. "Y-you shouldn't have to......bear this alone."

"I'm not alone," the girl insisted, swallowing the lump that rose in her throat. "We're together. Always. But we must proceed on." She felt Mu-deok's gentle hand brush against her arm, a silent pledge of support. The connection between the three of them surged, brightening the darkness that lurked just beyond the surface.

Taking a brief moment, Na-bi flicked her gaze between her soulmates. "Together," she said, drawing strength from that simple word. The other two saying the word back.

She knew that she would never actually be alone if she had them. Sure, she could get lost in her head sometimes and believe something that may be indifferent to her feelings. But not once did she feel like they were a burden to her.

As the small group made it through the clearing and passed the small bridge in the center of Songrim; they were met with Na-bi's father, her brother, Seo Yul, and a few of the other guards, including maidservant Kim. Na-bi refused to meet her father's eyes as Miss. Kim ran up to the three of them. She shifted uncomfortably at the way his eyes burned into the side of her face, and her throat went dry.

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