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"Artifice!" the leaders voice boomed. Backs were stiff, and the square was unusually quiet. The people of Songrim had been frozen in anticipation for what seemed to be forever. Nobody made a sound, or a move. But all eyes were shifting back and forth between Park Jin, Na-bi, and Jang Uk. The two men arguing back and forth as others just stared.

"I do not lie, I have no reason to," Uk explains simply. His features are masked into a calm and collected emotion. Yet on the inside he felt like running away from everything and hiding for the rest of his life. Though he would not do that, the thought did run through his mind.

A groan of distress comes from the older male. Hands running over his face in a dramatic display of pure annoyance. "How am I to believe you Jang Uk? You have caused nothing but trouble for me these past days. The Golden Hue? Really?" his tone told them he did not believe a word. "Then who is the other? The Golden Hue is only shared between three or more. Using this as an excuse to get Na-bi out of her punishment is not helping."

Soulmates were not rare in the world of Mages, but three or more mates were. The Golden Hue was not a bond that was common among many. Nobody standing there could remember the last time they heard or saw it.

"It is true Appa," the quiet voice of Na-bi spoke, "Our eyes turned gold, and our hearts are pulled. Even now...I can feel the tugging on my finger and soul." The woman stood behind Jang Uk, both hands resting on his back with her body hidden behind his. Only her head poke over his shoulder meeting the eyes of her father. She felt protected behind him. "As for the other...we are not ready to disclose that information. We ourselves haven't had the chance to speak on the matter. But it is true. I would not lie about this."

Mu-deok looked between the male guarding the woman. She could see how close their bond was, and she knew they were speaking about her. She felt a weight lift off her shoulders when they did not mention her name. As she did not know if she was ready for everything soulmates entailed.

"If this is possible, this will change everything," Jin grumbled. He could not believe his ears, as this felt like a fever dream. His daughter and...Jang Uk? Of all the people in the world, his daughter was mated to the Jang family, Jang Uk of all else.

"It is why I have run off so much lately. To spend time with my soulmates," she told him. She still hid behind Uk, as she was scared her father would do something out of hand. He would never lay his hands on her, but he just might slap Uk. Her arms at some point had wrapped around her friend's waist from behind, his hands holding hers tightly.

Master Hao places a hand on Jin's shoulder. Making the younger man look at him for a moment. "If they are soulmates Master Jin, then they cannot be without each other. The distance from Jang Uks home and Na-bi's will surely kill them with time. The Golden Hue is one of the most powerful soulmate bonds in the world. Keeping them apart, will be like we sentenced them to death."

Dang-gu looks between his sister and friend. Worry clear on his face as his heart pounds. His sister could die. No way! "Uncle," he practically shouts, "Maybe Jang Uk should come and live with Na-bi. I don't want them to die," he starts freaking out. Pacing around as Seo yul watches with amusement and slight hesitation.

"Shes not...going to...die," Yul tells the man slowly. But it sounds more like a question rather than a statement. Which does nothing to help the blond male. His pacing growing increasingly faster while his eyes squint at his sister.

"No, Jang Uk cannot live here in Songrim. His father-

"Then Na-bi can come live with me," Uk spoke cutting Jin off. "She is my mate, and soon our bond will get stronger. It is only a matter of time before we start to feel the effects. Since I can't stay here with my gate of energy closed. It is only right she comes and stays with me. Or someone opens my gate so I can stay," the male smirks. He felt proud of himself for coming up with a solution. Yes, he wanted his gate to be opened and would use any excuse for it to be done, but he wished for his soulmates more than anything else in this world. More than his own power being granted. His hands squeeze the hiding womans hands. And he feels her press closer to him. It was odd for her to shut down like this, Na-bi never talked much anyways. But for her to fall completely silent, it meant that she was struggling. He had to be there for her.

"I can't do that," Jin states about the gate. He knew that if it were true of their bond connection that he could not keep them away. He would not be able to lock his daughter away, and force Jang Uk to go and not return. He may not agree or like that they are bonded, but he did not wish death on either.

"Jang Uk, I will not open your gate. You will also not be allowed to stay here in Songrim," Jin tells the man. His eyes then fall on his only child's watery eyes, and he gulps. "Na-bi, I will grant you permission...to visit Jang Uk as much as you want. But you must take one guard with you when you leave, and Jang Uks people must accommodate whoever that may be."

Na-bi feels a weight lift off her heart. She almost jumps for joy.

"However," Jin clears his throat, and the smile slips off Na-bi's slips. "You are still to receive your punishment for disobeying direct orders. I can't let what you did just slip past like that. You are to take the floggings I commanded, and you will be sent to your chambers for the night."

As the crowd dispersed, and the leaders went away. Na-bi kneeled back down and took her punishment. Jang Uk, Mu-deok and their two friends watched on with worry. The soulmates being able to feel the pain the girl felt that made them highly uncomfortable. The two tried their best to school their emotions, but Jang uk was a little easier to read than Mu-deok. As his hands stayed fisted at his sides, ready to jump in if Na-bi so much as glanced his way. Mu-deok was better at masking her emotions, but if someone where to look deeply into her eyes. Then they would find a pain buried behind those brown orbs. She hated to see the quiet girl who was known for her positivity and bright nature be hurt in any way. Knowing what Na-bi had been dealing with these past years, yanked at Mu-deoks heart.

Na-bi kept her eyes trained on the spot her father once stood. Typically, he would stay and watch as someone got flogged, but she guessed he couldn't see his child be hit with wooden sticks. She did not want to be punished but she felt it was only right she was. She was not any better than any other mages who would have the same fate. So she sat as still as she could, eyes full of unshed tears. Hands shanking as they gripped her dress tightly. Her mind racing with only one thought, what was she supposed to do now?

 Her mind racing with only one thought, what was she supposed to do now?

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