Chapter 5. Stepfather and first day at school

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Hana...I have to tell you something...-She said with a mocking voice
-About what?-I asked
-I fell in love with someone...
-WHO?!- I shouted at the top of my voice
-In some postman... - she said - you will have a stepfather
- Stepfather?! - I shouted - he hasn't proposed to you yet
And then my mother smiled mysteriously
-HE PROPOSED TO YOU?!-I said in a nervous voice
-Sort of...yes-she said, all red-faced-And...I agreed!

- How could I lie to you? - she said - I'm depressed after losing your father, so that's why I agreed...
-I see...
-The wedding will be in a week, on September 6.
-All right.
-Now go to sleep, because tomorrow is the first day at school.

After hearing this news, it was hard for me to fall asleep. She wasn't ready for a stepfather yet, but I knew it wouldn't be bad. I woke up at 7:00. The school year was supposed to start at nine. I ate breakfast, put on a T-shirt and a short dress, washed myself and combed my hair. I left the house to the nearest train station and took the train. I got off next to the station near my school. The school was right next to the bus stop, you just had to cross the street. I got to school. She looked very nice. I went inside and everything was ready in the hall. The students took their seats. A girl sat down next to me. She had some brown hair and blue eyes. I was surprised because Japanese women don't usually have blue eyes and brown hair. I said to her:
-Hi, my name is Hana
"Veronica, nice to meet you," she replied, embarrassed
-And if I may ask, where are you from?
-I'm from the United States
Something stirred inside me. States? How? I froze.
"O...Okay," I said disturbingly
We entered the classroom. The teacher gave us lesson plans, books and exercises. And then she said:
-There is a new student in our class. Introduce yourself to your colleagues.
- Well... I'm Hana, I'm from Hiroshima. We moved to Tokyo because of the atomic bomb - I cried - I hope you will accept me well.
-Hana, I know it's hard for you, but we will welcome you with warmth and a smile. -The teacher said.
Then Veronica spoke up:
-If you want, we can go to the park or get sushi after school. What do you say?
-May be. My mother let me go out for a while after school, but not too far.

-I know a nice restaurant near our school - she replied with a smile on her face.
Everyone left. Us too. I followed her. She was as fast as lightning. She was running across the street and a speeding car was driving by, but luckily it stopped at the last moment. I shouted to her:
-Don't rush like that, you might get hit by a car!
After a few minutes we were there. It was a very large restaurant with Japanese and American dishes. I ordered sushi and Veronica ordered ramen. When we ate, my mother was already waiting at the restaurant. I said goodbye to Veronica and got into the car. 20 minutes later we were home. I went into my house, changed into my home clothes and went to my room. My passion was drawing, so I draw in my sketchbook all day long when I have time. Then I sat on my bed and fell asleep.
Part 6 will be soon (I don't know if it's today, because I don't have the inspiration yet, but I'll try)

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