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When Allison woke up to the sound of knocking it confused her for two reasons. One; she lived alone. And two; she was supposed to be dead. 

So when she woke up to knocking, she quickly lifted her head and looked around. And the first thing she noticed was that she wasn't in her house. And she quickly recognized the room for what it was. 

"No..." She muttered, looking around the room of Allison Argent before she got up and went over to her mirror and looked in to see Allison Argent looking back at her. "Fuck." She muttered as the door opened and walked in Chris Argent. 

"Oh, you're up. I knocked but there was no answer." He told her and she nodded, looking around. 

"Yeah. Sorry." She muttered. 

"Okay, well, start getting ready. It's time to get ready for school." He told her and she nodded, and he left. 

With a sigh Allison went to the bathroom, and took a quick shower. 

As she stood under the warm water Allison Spinn gained the memories of Allison Argent, and she was more than baffled. 

"Oh, great." She said, all of this quickly getting more real. 

She got out of the shower and quickly got dressed, and went to her room, waiting for her hair to dry a bit more as she went through the boxes in the room looking for her school crap. 

"I really have to unpack." She said, sighing to herself. 

After a while she went back to the bathroom, blow dried her hair, and then curled it and pinned it to one side. 


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When she finally got to school she went in to handle the paper work and then went outside to wait for the Principle. And while she waited she answered yet another phone call from her new mother. 

"Mom, three calls on my first day is a little overdoing it." She said, going through her bag. 

"Just making sure you haven't forgotten anything." The woman said, and Allison sighed, not finding her pen, but she didn't say it out loud, knowing Scott was listening, and didn't want to go through that creepy crap. 

"Yeah, I have everything." She said before spotting the Principle walking out of the building. "Okay, okay. I gotta go. Love ya." She said before quickly hanging up and stuffing it into her bag. 

"Sorry to keep you waiting. So you mentioned that San Francisco isn't where you grew up?" He asked her and she shook her head. 

"No, but we lived there for more than a year, which is unusual in my family." She said with a shrug as they started walking into the school. 

"Well, hopefully Beacon Hills will be your last stop for a while." He told her before they got into the classroom. As soon as they walked into the classroom the air changed for Allison and her eyes snapped to the back of the class, and land right on Stiles, who seemed to have felt the change too, and was now looking at her with wide eyes. "Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome." 

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