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It was night time, and at the moment Allison was speeding Derek's car down the street, with Stiles and Scott in the backseat as Kate followed them. 


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"They're gone." Stiles finally said in the middle of the panic. 

"Hold on to your asses." Allison said before jerking the car around as the boys in the back screamed. 

When they finally got to the parking lot where Allison's dad was shooting arrows at Derek, Allison slammed on the brakes and Stiles reached forward to throw the door open. 

"Get in." Stiles called over and Derek did. 

"What part of "laying low" don't you understand???" Scott yelled exasperatedly as Allison sped forward again. 

"Damn it, I had him!" Derek yelled in irritation. 

"Who? The Alpha?" Stiles questioned, leaning forward. 

"Yes! He was right in front of me, and the friggin' police showed up." Derek yelled, impatient. "ALLISON! TRASH CAN!" Derek yelled as Allison rammed into the can, making trash go everywhere. 

"Shut up, I'm focusing!" Allison yelled back. 

"Hey, they're just doing their jobs--" Stiles tried to defend the police, and when Derek gave him a dark glare Stiles sat back. 

"Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state!" He said, turning his glare onto Scott. 

"Can we seriously get past that? I made a dumbass mistake. I get it." Scott told them, defensively. 

"One that I'm still waiting to hit you for!" Allison said, reaching her hand back to try and smack him, only for them to smack her hand back. 

"Allison, both hands on the wheel!" Stiles yelled at the girl who rolled her eyes. "All right. How did you find him?" He asked Derek, who stayed silent. 

"Can you try to trust us for at least half a second?" Scott asked, scoffing, and Stiles shot forward again. 

"Yeah, both of us! ...Or, just them... Or just Allison. I'll be back here." Stiles said, sinking back into his seat. 

"Come on, Der. Okay? Scott might be an idiot but he means well. And I trust Stiles with my life. Okay? Please." She said, giving him puppy eyes, which made him sigh. 

"Look, the last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris." Derek told them. 

"Our chemistry teacher?" Stiles asked, baffled and confused. 

"Why him?" Scott asked, frowning. 

"I don't know yet." Derek said with a sigh. "ALLISON! CHILD IN THE ROAD!" 

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