La Bete; The Book

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It was a couple nights after what happened at the school when Derek came to her house, sneaking into through the window, to tell her what happened at his house and that's why he hadn't been answering her calls. And all she wanted to do was help him feel better about all the crap her family was doing to his at the moment, so that's probably why she started kissing him. 

The two of them backed up onto her bed and she looked at the way he was looking at her clothes. 

"Take it off." She said with a smile, and he looked at her amused yet hesitantly. 

"Are you sure you're okay with that?" He asked her and she raised an amused brow. 

"Are you okay with it?" She asked and he started smiling in amusement. 

"You're asking me if I'm okay with taking off your clothes?" He asked in amusement. 

"Stupid question." She mused and he nodded slightly. 

"Almost world-record stupid." He said and she laughed. When he went to reach for her shirt she pulled back a bit in a flirty and teasing way. 

"You first." She said, pulling his shirt off, and he smiled, pulling her bra straps down and then taking it off and throwing it to the floor. 

Before they could do more a knock came at her door, and they yanked apart. 

"Just a minute!" She called back, shoving him into the closet, putting on a hoodie, and shoving her bra under her bed, before going over and opening her door. It was Kate. 

"Hey." Kate said to her, giving her an awkward smile, which Allison returned. 


"What's up?" Kate asked, walking into her room. 

"Uh, nothing. Just doing homework, sending some emails..." Allison shrugged. 

"Emailing the boyfriend?" 

"Maybe two or three of them." She shrugged and Kate gave her an amused look. 

"Maybe three?" 

"Long story. But as of this moment, I'm emailing PETA about how my wingnut father gunned down an innocent mountain lion in the school parking lot." Allison told the woman with a shrug. 

"And that wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that you're grounded and you can't see Stiles? Or one of the other mysterious boyfriends?" 

"I'm only grounded for this weekend to make mom happy. I'm not gonna be one of those whining teenagers who looks at her father and says, "I hate you, I wish you were dead."" Allison told him and Kate gave her a look. 

"But...?" Kate drawled out knowingly. 

"But... I hate him, and I wish he was dead." She said, laughing as Kate started giggling in amusement. 

"See? Now you're starting to sound like a normal, angry teenager!" Kate said before seeing one of the books on her table. "What are you working on? Can I help?" 

"Uh, a history project... and I just wanna be left alone, actually..." 

"Come on! What kind of history project?" Kate asked and Allison sighed, knowing she wasn't going to drop it. 

"I have to come up with a report that has some relevance to my own family history." 

"Specific to your family?" 

"That is the assignment, yes. Why? Do you have any ideas?" Allison asked, looking up at the woman. 

"Type this in-- La Bête du Gévaudan." Kate said and Allison nodded, typing it in. 

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