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jake's dreams were never kind to him. in the dark, memories he wished to forget played over and over, like a bad movie. he was only five when it happened, too young to understand but old enough to feel the fear and pain.

the shadowy figure haunted his nightmares, a faceless monster that had taken away his innocence. his mother, a kind and gentle woman, was already gone by then, taken by illness when he was just a baby. he had no one to turn to, no one to protect him from the darkness.

until he met jungwon, jungwon was the only one who knew. they had been best friends since they were little, and jake had told him about the nightmares when they first started.

jungwon had held him through the tears, promising to always be there, to never let anyone hurt him again. it was a promise he had kept, standing by jake's side through every dark moment.

but the nights were still hard. the dreams still came. jake's body tensed as the familiar scene unfolded in his mind. he could feel the cold air of that night, the rough hands that grabbed him, the muffled screams that echoed in his ears. he wanted to wake up, to escape the memories, but they held him captive.

suddenly, a voice broke through the darkness, soft and gentle. "jake hyung, wake up."

his eyes flew open, heart pounding, breath coming in short gasps. he was in his room, the familiar posters on the walls and the soft glow of the sun through the window grounding him in reality. jungwon was there, sitting on the edge of his bed, eyes filled with concern.

"you were dreaming again," jungwon said softly.

jake nodded, wiping the sweat from his brow. "it was the same one."

jungwon sighed, reaching out to squeeze his hand. "you're safe now. it's just a dream."

jake nodded, but the fear still lingered. he knew it was just a dream, but the pain felt real, the memories too vivid to ignore. he took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. jungwon stayed with him, his presence a comforting reminder that he wasn't alone.

"do you want to talk about it?" jungwon asked.

jake shook his head. "not tonight."

jungwon nodded, understanding. "i'm here if you need me."

jake lay back down, closing his eyes. he didn't know how long he could keep living like this, haunted by his past. but with jungwon by his side, he felt a glimmer of hope. maybe, just maybe, he could find a way to heal.

jungwon stood up, giving jake's hand one last squeeze. "come on, let's get ready for school."

jake nodded, slowly sitting up. a new day was starting, and with it, a chance to face his fears and start healing.

[ 💭 ]
hope u guys r excited as much as i am with this wattpad!

[ dream ] | heejake FFWhere stories live. Discover now